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바이오산업공학 조발표(Cinnamomum verum)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
41페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Basic Information
Ⅱ. Traditional Uses
Ⅲ. Bioactive Materials
Ⅳ. Effects & Efficacy
Ⅴ. Commercial Products
Ⅵ. References


* Cinnamomum verum

Scientific Name
- Cinnamomum verum J. Presl

Common Name
- Cinnamon

Local Names
- Ceylon cinnamon
- Sri Lanka cinnamon
- Saigon cinnamon (Vietnam)
- Indonesian cinnamon

Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Division: Magnoliophyta

참고 자료

Donald G. Barceloux, MD, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Species), Disease-a-Month, 2009, Vol.55(6), pp.327-335 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
Kirti Patel, Sadaquat Ali, Subramanium Sotheeswaran & Jean-Pierre Dufour, Composition of the Leaf Essential Oil of Cinnamomum verum (Lauraceae) from Fiji Islands, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 10:5, 374-377
Sheikh Shreaz, Rimple Bhatia, Neelofar Khan, Sumathi Muralidhar, Seemi F. Basir, Nikhat Manzoor, Luqman Ahmad Khan, Spice oil cinnamaldehyde exhibits potent anticandidal activity against fluconazole resistant clinical isolates, Fitoterapia 82 (2011) 1012–1020
Yuuki Taguchi, Yayoi Hasumi, Shigeru Abe, Yayoi Nishiyama, The effect of cinnamaldehyde on the growth and the morphology of Candida albicans, Med Mol Morphol (2013) 46:8–13
Suzan A. Khayyat, Photosynthesis of dimeric cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and safrole as antimicrobial agents, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2013) 17, 61–65
Mary Anne Roshni Amalaradjou, Amoolya Narayanan, Sangeetha Ananda Baskaran, Kumar Venkitanarayanan, Antibiofilm Effect of Trans-Cinnamaldehyde on Uropathogenic Escherichia coli, THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY®, Vol. 184, 358-363, July 2010
Aijaz Ahmad, Amber Khan, Snowber Yousuf, Luqman A. Khan, Nikhat Manzoor, Proton translocating ATPase mediated fungicidal activity of eugenol and thymol, Fitoterapia 81 (2010) 1157–1162
Jian-Ping Dai, Xiang-Feng Zhao, Jun Zeng, Qian-Ying Wan, Jia-Cai Yang, Wei-Zhong Li, Xiao-Xuan Chen, Ge-Fei Wang, Kang-Sheng Li, Drug screening for autophagy inhibitors based on the dissociation of Beclin1-Bcl2 complex using BiFC technique and mechanism of eugenol on anti-influenza A virus activity, PLOS ONE, April 2013, Volume 8, Issue 4, e61026
Ilhami Gulcin, Antioxidant Activity of Eugenol - A Structure-Activity Relationship Study, J Med Food 14 (9) 2011, 975–985
Aijaz Ahmad, Amber Khan, Nikhat Manzoor, Luqman A. Khan, Evolution of ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors as fungicidal against Candida, Microbial Pathogenesis 48 (2010) 35–41
Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org
Medicinal Uses for Cinammon, March 2011, Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. (http://naturalstandard.com/news/news201103012.asp)
EWG’s Skin Deep, Cosmetics Database (http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/)
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