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World History The Mongols Did the conversion of the Mongols to Islam in the Near East and Central Asia cause the Mongols to abandon the earlier principles of the Chinggisid government

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'Did the conversion of the Mongols to Islam in the Near East and Central Asia cause the Mongols to abandon the earlier principles of the Chinggisid government?' 이란 토픽을 주제로 에세이를 작성하였습니다.




The Mongols invaded and entered the Near East and Central Asia during the 13th century, and that was when the religion of Islam also entered the Mongol Empire (1206~1368). As a consequence of Chinggis Qan (d. 1227) and his descendant’s conquests of the Islamic regions, a large number of Mongolians converted to Islam, including many Qan’s. The Yasa is generally seen as a codified legal act founded by Chinggis Qan (Pochekaev 725; Vernadsky 1). The investigation of whether the Yasa was abandoned or not is significant because the Great Yasa was a legacy of Chinggis Qan, and the loss of it due to the conversion of Mongols to Islam would signify the death of Mongol identity on an exaggerated note. It is debatable whether the Great Yasa was abandoned or not. Still, the essay claims that the principles of the Chinggisid government were not retracted even after the conversion of Mongols to Islam, despite that Islamic laws may have been preferred more, even though the Yasa was still referred.

참고 자료

Pochekaev R.Yu. Chinggis Khan’s Great Yasa in the Mongol Empire and Chinggisid States of the 13th–14th centuries: Legal Code or Ideal “Law and Order”? Golden Horde Review. 2016. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 724–733. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2016-4-4.724-733
Ǧūzǧānī Minhaǧ Ibn-Sirāǧ, and William Nassau. Lees. The Tabaqati-Nasiri. Biblio-Verl., 1981.
Melville, Charles. "Qadi Baidawi’s Nizam al-tawarikh in the Safina-yi Tabriz: An early witness of the text." The Treasury of Tabriz: The Great Il-Khanid Compendium (2007): 91-102.
Mustawfi, Shah Nameh Abul Qasim Firdausi Hamdallah. The Zafarnama of Hamdallah Mustaufi and the Ilkhan Dynasty of Iran. Edited by Nasrullah Rastagar Nasrullah Pourjavady, vol. 3, 1910.
Al-Din, Rashid, and Fadl Allah. "Jami ‘al-tawarikh, ed." M. Raushan and M. Musavi 4 (1959).
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World History The Mongols Did the conversion of the Mongols to Islam in the Near East and Central Asia cause the Mongols to abandon the earlier principles of the Chinggisid government
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