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수공시스템 설계 Homework (Design of Hydraulic & Hydrology HW)

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17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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"수공시스템 설계 Homework (Design of Hydraulic & Hydrology HW)"에 대한 내용입니다.

Design of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Systems
1. Explain for the differences between natural watershed and urban drainage floods.
2. Answer to the following questions
3. Determine the design precipitation hyetograph developed in 10-min increments for a 2-hour storm given below table using the alternating block (or blocking) method. Then draw a 2-hour design hyetograph developed in time versus precipitation using the blocking method.
4. Explain Huff method for the time distribution of rainfall.
5. Solve the Problems 3.1 and 3.2 (see Hydrology book written by Hung Soo Kim)
6. The table shows cumulative rainfall about rainfall event from 7am to 10am with 15-min interval. Determine the maximum rainfall for the duration of 15-min, 30-min, 45-min, 60-min, 90-min, 120-min, 180-min.

Design of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Systems
1. Answer the following questions.
2. The average rainfall and observed flow for some watersheds are shown in the table below. When the watershed area is 5870㎢ , calculate the unit hydrographs.
3. Explain Antecedent Moisture Condition(AMC).
4. Below the table is rainfall data each 3hours for 15 hours. Determine the infiltration capacity using -index and W-index method, when surface runoff is 25mm, depression storage is 5% of total rainfall.


1. Design of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Systems <Homework #1>
2. Design of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Systems <Homework #2>
3. Design of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Systems <Homework #4>


2. Answer to the following questions.
(1) What is the rainfall analysis?
: 설계홍수량(design flood runoff of discharge) 산정에 필요한 가상호우(hypothetical storms) 즉, 확률강우량을 구축하는 것.
<Flow chart of Rainfall analysis>
* Rainfall Analysis (Design storm)
Intensity-Duration-➀ Frequency : IDF
➁ Depth-Area-Duration : DAD
➂ Design storm depth : Frequency rainfall, PMP
➃ Time distribution of rainfall : Blocking, Mononobe, Huff method etc.
➄ Design storm Hyetograph

(2) What is the frequency analysis?
: To estimate the magnitude of extreme events of a frequency (or an exceedance probability)
발생 빈도에 따른 극치수문사상들의 크기(또는 초과확률)를 구하는 것.

(3) What is the Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves?
: Relation curve of intensity with certain recurrence interval is called IDF curves
연 최대강우강도 값들에 대해 빈도계수법, 확률도시법 등을 이용해 다양한 지속기간별로 빈도해석을 수행하여, 재현기간(발생빈도)별 지속기간별 최대강우강도와의 관계를 나타낸 곡선.

(4) What is ARF?
: Areal Reduction Factor(면적감소계수) = 면적우량 / 점우량
관측소별 지점확률강우량을 산정하고 이를 티센다각형법 등으로 유역평균 강우량을 산정한 후, 면적우량환산계수인 면적감소계수를 적용하여 면적강우량을 계산한다.

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수공시스템 설계 Homework (Design of Hydraulic &amp; Hydrology HW)
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