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Multinational company in Thailand and Indonesia

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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"Multinational company in Thailand and Indonesia"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract
2. Introduction of the firm Toyota
3. Indonesia
4. Thailand
5. Toyota’s performance in Indonesia
6. Toyota’s performance in Thailand
7. The analysis of a business system
8. Indonesian driven factormaking the performance different
9. Thai driven factormaking the performance different


The question for this report is (a) “Select ONE MNEs and compare performances in TWO different host countries in Asian regions. (e.g. SHARP in China and Thailand) Compare and contrast performances of two subsidiaries and analyse factors (BOTH host country driven factors AND MNEs driven factors) affecting the differences.” And for the answer, this report has selected Toyota as a multinational entity. Now, we would compare Toyota’s performances in Indonesia and Thailand and compare and contrast performances of those two subsidiaries and analyze factors from both host country driven factors and Toyota’s driven factors affecting the differences. After presenting what international firm Toyota is, this report would briefly explain what the two countries are. Then, Toyota’s performance in each country will be stated. Finally, this report will analyze Toyota’s driven factor, Indonesian driven factor and Thai driven factor in order to compare and explain why the performance differs in each country.

참고 자료

Indirectly quoted from IBIS World: Global Car & Automotive Manufacturing Report, May 2013 Directly quoted from Thembani Nkomo, Analysis from Toyota Motor Corporation (2013)
Motor Trends, accessed December 12, 2020
Indonesia, Wikipedia accessed December 27,
Thailand, Wikipedia accessed December 27,
Joint Venture(JV), accessed December 22, 2020
Thembani Nkomo(2013), Analysis of Toyota motor corporation, case study: Toyota’s sucessuful strategy in Indonesia p7
Thailand April 2020: Toyota up to 36.7% share, Hilux back to #1 in market down -65% accessed
December 24, https://bestsellingcarsblog.com/2020/05/thailand-april-2020-toyota-up-to-36-7share-hilux-back-to-1-in-market-down-65/
Wilawan Phungtua, (2017), The Impacts of Japanese MNCs and Foreign Direct Investment on Thailand Automotive Industry p18
Hasegawa and Witt. “Asian Business and Management”,(2019), p 42-52, Constructing the analysis of a business system
Thembani Nkomo(2013), Analysis of Toyota motor corporation, case study: Toyota’s sucessuful strategy in Indonesia p7
Thembani Nkomo(2013), Analysis of Toyota motor corporation, case study: Key Success Factors in the Automotive Industry p4-5
Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia accessed December 26,
Foreign Investment in Thailand accessed December 27,
Foreign Investment in Thailand accessed December 27,


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