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네트워크 시스템 디자인 프로젝트 파이널 (100프로영어)

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"네트워크 시스템 디자인 프로젝트 파이널 (100프로영어)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Non Network Information
2.1 Company and Plant Details
2.2 Staff Details
2.3 Computer and Printer Requirements
2.4 Topology
2.5 Topography

3. OSI 7 Layer Models
3.1Network documentation
3.1.1 Layer 1 – Physical Layer
3.1.2 Layer 2 – Data Link Layer
3.1.3 Layer 3 – Network Layer
3.1.4 Layer 4 – Transport Layer
3.1.5 Layer 5 – Session Layer
3.1.6 Layer 6 – Presentation Layer
3.1.7 Layer 7 – Application Layer

4. Performance Monitoring for Baselining

5. Linux server monitoring

6. The implementation of LDAP in Windows and Linux
6.1 The implementation of LDAP in Window
6.2 The implementation of LDAP in Linux

7. Revision of the Mid-term semester test

8. Partitioning and Replication
8.1 Partitioning
8.2 Replication

9. Back up
9.1 Disaster Recovery Plan
9.2 Disaster action checklist
9.3 Recovery start-up procedures for use after a disaster .
9.4 Recovery plan–hot site
9.5 Restoring the entire system
9.6 Rebuilding process
9.7 Testing the disaster recovery plan
9.8 Disaster site rebuilding
9.9 Record of plan changes
9. 10 Table of steps to a successful disaster recovery

10. Reference


1. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to design a network for SuperCap which is a capsule manufacturing company with 7 branches in main cities in Australia. Head office is located in Perth, the manufacturing plant is also in Perth. The company has been developing very fast and one of the largest capsule companies in the country. This assignment will give details of the network structure of the company with specification.

<중 략>

2.2 Staff Details
Name of the Company: SuperCap
Product: Capsules
(1) Perth (Head Office)
- Co-owners: Two inheritors (daughter and son) of the owner
- Assistant manager
- Sales manager
- Accountant
- Payroll clerk
- 2 co-owners secretaries
- 1 assistant manager secretary
- 1 sales manager secretary
- Human Resource officer
- Research Department
- Customer service
- Sales & Marketing
- IT technician
- Receptionist
(2) Perth (Manufacturing Plant)
- Plant manager
- Assistant manager
- Secretary
- 2 senior and 2 junior supervisors
- 20 tradespeople
- IT technician

참고 자료

AVG Antivirus. http://free.avg.com/au-en/homepage
Backup Policy. n.d.
Cisco Catalyst 2960S.
Dell Precision T1500.
Disaster Recovery Plan.
HP LaserJet Pro CM1415.
Netgear Prosafe.
Optus Evolve Ethernet VPN.
What is LDAP?
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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