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A+자료-International Organizations 국제기구수업 영문 OPEC 발표자료

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"International Studies 국제학과 수업 International Organizations 국제기구수업 영문 OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) 발표자료"에 대한 내용입니다. OPEC의 소개와 산하 기구들, 의사 결정 과정, OPEC이 현재 직면하고 있는 문제들(셰일 가스, 사우디 아라비아, 기후 변화) 및 개인적인 인사이트가 담긴 결론이 함께 되어 있습니다.


1. Introduction
a) What is OPEC?
b) Organs
c) Decision making process

2. OPEC’s issue
a) Shale gas
b) Saudi Oil Attack
c) Climate Change

3. Conclusion


-OPEC : Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
-Purpose: Coordinate and unify the petroleum policies and stabilization of oil markets
-Organs and decision making process

• Secretariat
◦ Chief Executive arm of OPEC
◦ President-Rostam Ghasemi
◦ Consists of leaders who specialize in data services, research, petroleum studies, and public relations

• OPEC Conference
◦ Has supreme authority
◦ Ministerial-level delegation from each Member Country
◦ Meets twice a year-March, September

참고 자료

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Perry, Jack. Geary, Emily. “EIA adds new play production data to shale gas and tight oil reports” eia, 15 February 2019, https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=38372
Rapier, Robert. “The impact of the Saudi Oil Attack is Far from Over” Oil price, 23 September 2019, https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Impact-Of-The-Saudi-Oil-Attack-Is-Far- From-Over.html
Montgomery, Scott L. “Attacks on Saudi Oil- Why didn’t prizes go crazy?” The Conversation, 23 September 2019, https://theconversation.com/attacks-on-saudi-oil-why-didnt-prices-go-crazy- 123823
Ambrose, Jillian & Partington, Richard. “Saudi oil attacks push prices up by highest amount since 1988” The Guardian, 16 September 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/sep/16/saudi-oil-attack-prices-up-brent-crude
Robert Rapier. “OPEC’s Shale Problem” Forbes, 30 December 2018, https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2018/12/30/opecs-shale-problem/#5b4b05e76b02
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Sanusi Barkindo, Mohammed. “OPEC:OPEC statement to the UN Climate Change conference (COP24)” OPEC,12 December 2018, https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/press_room/5302.htm
Tsvetana, Paraskova. “OPEC: Oil & Gas Are Part Of Solution To Climate Change” Oil Price, 8 July 2019 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/OPEC-Oil-Gas-Are-Part-Of-Solution- To-Climate-Change.html
Ortiz, Gonzalo. "OPEC: Fifty Years Regulating Oil Market Roller Coaster". Inter Press Service, 14 September 2010, http://www.ipsnews.net/2010/09/opec-fifty-years-regulating-oil- market-roller-coaster/
Shin Dongwon. "Global Economics Encyclopedia", edited by Lee Jongwon, Gilbut, 2018
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Ingemarson, Andrew. “Why the father of Fracking probably deserves a Nobel Peace Prize”. The Federalist, 21 March 2018, https://thefederalist.com/2018/03/21/the-guy-who-came- up-with-fracking-probably-deserves-a-nobel-peace-prize/
Hodari, David and Faucon, Benoit. “IEA sees US shale squeezing OPEC influence”. The Wall Street Journal, 13 November 2019, https://www.wsj.com/articles/iea-sees-u-s-shale-squeezing-opec-influence-11573603201
Frondel, Manuel, Horvath, Marco and Vance, Colin. “The US Frackin Boom: Impacts on Global Oil Prices and OPEC” IAEE Energy Forum, Second Quarter 2018, https://www.iaee.org/en/publications/newsletterdl.aspx?id=466
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Rosnick, David. “ The Impact of OPEC on Climate Change” Center for Economic and Policy research, 27 November 2018 http://cepr.net/blogs/cepr-blog/the-impact-of-opec-on-climate- change

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