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아마존 amazon CRM 고객관계관리 PPT 영문 영어

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
40페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Nature of the business
CRM strategy
Marketing, sales force, and service automation
Managerial implications / Recommendations


1. Nature of the business
1) Company Background
2) Amazon’s business profit model
3) Market offerings
4) Customer perceived value (benefits and sacrifices)
5) Benefits
6) Sacrifices
7) Customer journey
8) Customer touch points

2. Customer Relationship Management Strategy
1) Customer portfolio
2) Positive Customer Retention Strategies
3) Retain customers
4) Retain customers
5) Develop customers

3. Marketing, sales force, and service automation
1) How does Amazon do Marketing Automation?
2) How does Amazon do Sales Force Automation?
3) How does Amazon do Service Automation? (B2B)

4. Managerial implications / Recommendations
1) Recommendations - Improving the customer services
2) Recommendations - Shorter the delivery time


How does Amazon do Marketing Automation?

Email campaign management
Personalize every email using every scrap of users’ information: on-site behavior, past purchases, amount spent, location, age, gender
Purchase receipt has a link in the email, clicking the order number takes you directly to the order page, where you can track it, write reviews or buy another one
Amazon also present its email as a resource for new shoppers which is very promotional because it introduces the rest of their businesses in the same email.

<중 략>

참고 자료

Amazon business model. FourWeekMBA. (2019). Retrieved from https://fourweekmba.com/amazon-business-model/
Chris, H. (n.d.) 6 Lessons You Can Learn from Amazon Email Marketing Examples. Retrieved from https://www.getvero.com/resources/6-lessons-you-can-learn-from-amazons-killer-email-marketing/
Christine, S. (2019). What Is a Touchpoint? | Marketing Touchpoints on a Buyer’s Journey in 2019. Retrieved from https://www.conductor.com/blog/2019/01/what-is-a-touchpoint-marketing-touchpoints-on-a-buyers-journey-in-2019/
Daly, J. (2014). Case Studies: The Amazon Experience. Retrieved from https://www.getvero.com/resources/guides/the-amazon-experience/#email-2
Fox, G. (2020). Amazon Business Model. Retrieved from https://www.garyfox.co/amazon-business-model/
Jillian, S. (2019). Amazon is giving customers a high perceived value with minimal investment with new partner funded samples. Retrieved from https://jilliansetzerloyalty.wordpress.com/2019/01/09/amazon-is-giving-customers-a-high-perceived-value-with-minimal-investment-with-new-partner-funded-samples/
Mike, D. (2020). Before You Join Amazon Automation Read This. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@MikeDBlog/before-you-join-amazon-automation-read-this-2a9a9f2e7eef
Ray, R. (2013). 3 Things Amazon.com Can Teach Us About Marketing Automation. Retrieved from https://www.clickz.com/3-things-amazon-com-can-teach-us-about-marketing-automation/35100/
Reichsfeld, J. (2021). OPTIMIZE THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP & BUILD A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. Retrieved from https://ecommerce-optimizer.com/customer-journey-map/
Tugba, S. (2021). Percentage of paid units sold by third-party sellers on Amazon platform as of 4th quarter 2020. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/259782/third-party-seller-share-of-amazon-platform/
Winsky, G. (2017). Customer Perceived Value: Understanding What Appeals to the Consumer. Retrieved from https://aircall.io/blog/customer-happiness/customer-perceived-value/

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