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거시경제원론 영어 레포트 - 미국의 포스트-판데믹 노동참여인구 부족 현상에 대하여 (Labor Shortages in the US)

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"거시경제원론 영어 레포트 - 미국의 포스트-판데믹 노동참여인구 부족 현상에 대하여 (Labor Shortages in the US)"에 대한 내용입니다.




May 28, 2021
Article of Choice: “The curious case of disappearing worker” on The Economist.
Just over a year ago in April of 2020, unemployment in the US spiked to 15 percent (United States BLS, 2020) as the fallout of COVID-19 forced many businesses to close and many more to take drastic cost-cutting measures to survive the turbulent times that lay ahead. Today, thanks in part to government stimulus packages and a new acceptance of the status quo in the workplace, this figure has fallen to 6 percent which is still far higher than the 3.5 percent it was hovering around before the economy shut down, but it is obviously a massive improvement (United States BLS, 2021).
In fact, today, the USA is facing a completely different, somewhat paradoxical problem. People are no longer struggling finding places to work, workplaces are struggling to find people. Reports of massive labour shortages have compelled some of the nation’s largest employers to offer potential recruits 50 dollars just to show up for a job interview (Taylor).

참고 자료

Luhby, Tami. New $300 weekly federal unemployment benefits start to reach Americans in need.
CNN Politics, January 14, 2021.
Murray, Brendan, et al., The World Economy is Suddenly Running Low on Everything.
Bloomberg Businessweek, March 17, 2021.
Taylor, Kate. A Florida McDonald's is paying people $50 just to show up for a job interview, and it's still struggling to find applicants. Business Insider, April 17, 2021.
"The Curious Case of the Disappearing Worker." The Economist, vol. 439, no. 9246, May 22,
2021, pp. 10. ProQuest, http://www.proquest.com.ssl.access.yonsei.ac.kr/magazines/curious-case-disappearing-worker/docview/2530308199/se-2?accountid=15179.
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). 43 states at historically high unemployment rates in April 2020. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 28, 2020.
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Nevada unemployment rate drops 21.5
percentage points for year ended April 2021. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 27, 2021.
United States. Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Measuring Labor Market Slack. U.S.
Congressional Budget Office, September 24, 2014.
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