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거시경제원론 영어 레포트 - 브라질의 경제 발전 (A Case Study)

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"거시경제원론 영어 레포트 - 브라질의 경제 발전 (A Case Study)"에 대한 내용입니다.




June 12, 2021
Principles of Macroeconomics Case Study: Brazil
Brazil is a nation with some of the world’s most remarkable natural wonders, not to mention an amazing variety of culture. Unfortunately for Brazilians, however; the country is also home to a slightly less remarkable economy. This section will discuss in detail about the Brazilian Recession of 2014-2016, including its causes and anti-crises measures by the Brazilian government, as well as some context before and after the recession period. The factors that were in play are complex but they boil down to three key issues. First is the nation’s political instability. Second, the country’s less than ideal geography and third, which industries it chooses to prioritize.
First and foremost, it would be impossible to understand the economics of Brazil without understanding the politics of Brazil. The period from the end of the 1960s into the 1970s was marked by a military dictatorship, persecution, and repression of any political and social movement that was not properly aligned with the bodies in power.

참고 자료

Amann E., Baer W. (2009) The Macroeconomic Record of the Lula Administration, the Roots of Brazil’s Inequality, and Attempts to Overcome Them. In: Love J.L., Baer W. (eds) Brazil under Lula. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230618374_3
Costa, Daiane. Economia encolhe 3.6% em 2016, 3 país tem pior recessão da História. O Globo, March 7, 2017.
McGeever, Jamie. Brazil central bank aims to prevent 2021 inflation from infecting 2022 outlook. Reuters, March 23, 2021.
Sotero, Paulo. Petrobras Scandal. Britannica, April 10, 2018.
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