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(영문)역기능가정 아동의 욕구 파악 및 보육서비스 사회사업 우선순위 재지정-사회정의 증진을 위한 참여적 행동과 질적 연구(글로벌 관점에서)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
29페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


교환학생 당시 Participatory Action and Qualitative Research 라는 대학원 수업에서 발표한 PPT자료 및 대본입니다. (대본은 슬라이드 노트에 적혀있음)

발표의 제목은 '역기능가정 아동의 욕구 파악 및 보육서비스 사회사업 우선순위 재지정 - 사회정의 증진을 위한 참여적 행동과 질적 연구: 글로벌 관점에서'입니다.

한국의 아동보호시설과 리투아니아의 가족센터의 현황과 이를 둘러싼 사회시스템을 비교해보고, 연구질문을 던지는 내용 입니다.


1. Agency
2. Interview
3-1. Definition
3-2. Law Background
3-3. Statistics
4. Problem formulation
5. Hypothesis
6. Preliminary
7. Literature Review
8. Methodology
9. References


3-1. Definition
“Children day care center”
Institution providing social services to dysfunctional families and children as well as organizing education for the children. (Child care minimum and medium law, Lithuania 2.9)

South Korea
"Community child Center"
The facility which provides comprehensive child welfare facilities including protection of children, education, healthy activities and recreation, and association between parents and community in order to achieve children's wholesome growth. (Child welfare law 16.11)

Law background and the definition of Children day care center. And when it was started to develop.(L vs S.K)
-Lithuania “Children day care center”: Institution providing social services to dysfunctional families and children as well as organizing education for the children. (Child care minimum and medium law, Lithuania 2.9)
vaikų dienos centras - tai socialinių paslaugų įstaiga, kurios paskirtis yra teikti dienos globos, užimtumo, laisvalaikio organizavimo ir kt. paslaugas vaikams, tuo pačiu gerinant gyvenimo kokybę mažas pajamas turinčių ir probleminių šeimų vaikams ir siekiant normalizuoti jų santykius su socialine aplinka.
-Korea:"Community children’s Center"
The facility which provides comprehensive child welfare facilities including protection of children, education, healthy activities and recreation, and association between parents and community in order to achieve children's wholesome growth. (Child welfare law 16.11)

참고 자료

Jonas, Darius, Parental Involvement in Individual Education Planning for Students with Mental Disabilities: A Lithuanian Experience, 2009-2010
Huey-tsyh Chen, Michelle Rose Marks, Assessing The Needs of Inner City Youth: Beyond - -Needs Identification and Prioritization, 1998
Dennis K. Orthner, Karen A. Randolph, Welfare Reform and High School Dropout Patterns for Children, 1999
Doran C. French,Jody Conrad, School Dropout as Predicted by Peer Rejection and Antisocial Behavior, 2001
Gong, Seo, A study on the Case Management Practices in Community Children's Centers, 2009
C. R. Snyder, Hope Theory: Rainbows in the Mind, 2002
Pernille Due, Bjørn E. Holstein, John Lynch, Finn Diderichsen, Saoirse Nic Gabhain, Peter Scheidt, Candace Currie, The Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Bullying Working Group, 2004
Whyte, William Foote, Participatory action research , 1991
Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, Out of Children's Needs, Children's Rights": The Child's Voice in Defining the Family, 1993-1994
Headquarters of community child centers, 2012 report on the community child centers, 2012
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