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Alginate Spheres에서 효모 세포의 캡슐화

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6페이지/ MS 워드
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"Alginate Spheres에서 효모 세포의 캡슐화"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Summary
2. Discussion


The aim of this experiment is to understand how yeast works when it is encapsulated by alginate matrix. In the experiment, dried baker’s yeast, 1% solution of sodium alginate and 13% calcium chloride solution were used to produce the alginate-yeast beads. The beads were then transferred to a glucose solution so that the fermentation could be conducted. The amount of carbon dioxide released from the fermentation was measured to compare the rate of release between encapsulated yeast and non-encapsulated yeast (fig. 1). Filtration of the solution after fermentation using filter paper was carried out to observe the clarity of the solution. From the observation of the solution and the rate of its release, it was concluded that encapsulated yeast produced a significantly lower amount of carbon dioxide and the solution fermented by encapsulated yeast was clearer and it took less time to filter than the solution fermented by non-encapsulated yeast.

참고 자료

Kayastha, A. M. & Das, N., 1999. A simple laboratory experiment for teaching enzyme immobilization. Biochemical Education, Volume 27, pp. 114-117.
Tønnesen, H. and Karlsen, J. (2002). Alginate in Drug Delivery Systems. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 28(6), pp.621-630.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Alginate Spheres에서 효모 세포의 캡슐화
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