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IB English B Extended Essay (EE) Grade A (32/36)

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본 문서는 2019년 May Session에서 Grade A (32/36)을 받은 IB English B Extended Essay (EE) 입니다.
주제는 'To what extent do gender stereotypes persist in the language of toy advertisements and what is its impact on the public? (Disney, Barbie, Lego, and Marvel)'입니다.


Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Gender stereotypes and toy advertisements
1.2 Why the topic was chosen
1.2.1 Personal relevance
1.2.2 The importance of this research The subject area Society in general

Chapter 2. Research Methodology

Chapter 3. Results
3.1 Analysis of the use of linguistic elements in toy advertisements
3.1.1 Pronoun
3.1.2 Intensifiers
3.1.3 Simile
3.1.4 Imperative
3.1.5 Exclamation and suggesting sentences
3.2 Analysis of the portrayal of gender stereotypes in toy advertisements
3.2.1 Analysis of the portrayal of females in toy advertisements
3.2.2 Analysis of the portrayal of males in toy advertisements

Chapter 4. The impact of gendered language in toy commercials.

Chapter 5. Conclusion and Evaluation

Appendix A: Analysis of scripts for toy advertisements
Appendix B: Response summary of the survey
Appendix C: Researcher’s Reflection Space
Appendix D: Abstract

Works Cited


Gender stereotypes are oversimplified concepts whereby males and females have different characteristics and roles based on gender.1 The ideas vary with biological and environmental factors, including society and culture. The deeply ingrained stereotypes in childhood often continue into adulthood.

As children grow, their understanding of traditional gender stereotypes is heavily influenced by mass media, such as television, magazines, and newspapers.2 Media serves as social agents that convey powerful messages about what role is expected to be appropriate for each gender. Toy advertisements, in particular, are one of highly gender typed media factors that affect the audience in early childhood.3 Toy commercials employ marketing strategies differently designed for boys and girls. For example, they differentiate audiovisual factors such as colors, music, and languages according to their targeted gender.

참고 자료

“About Let Toys Be Toys.” Let Toys Be Toys, 2018, http://www.lettoysbetoys.org.uk/about/.
Alice E.M. Underwood. “Similes.” Plagiarism Checker | Grammarly, 7 Apr. 2017,
Elizabeth O'Brien. “The Imperative Sentence.” English Grammar Revolution: Grammar Made
Easy, www.english-grammar-revolution.com/imperative-sentence.html.
“Gender Stereotypes.” EIGE, 2018, https://eige.europa.eu/rdc/thesaurus/terms/1222.
Knorr, Caroline. “Gender Stereotypes Are Messing With Your Kid.” Commonsensemedia.Org,
2017, https://www.commonsensemedia.org/blog/gender-stereotypes-are-messing-with-yourkid.
Marko Ticak. “What Does Imperative Mean?” Plagiarism Checker | Grammarly, 30 Nov. 2016,
Oser, Danielle. “Elements of Advertisements.” LinkedIn SlideShare, 7 Feb. 2013,
Pilcher, Jeffry. “Say It Again: Messages Are More Effective When Repeated.” The Financial
Brand, 2018, https://thefinancialbrand.com/42323/advertising-marketing-messages-effectivefrequency/.
Planned Parenthood. “Gender Identity & Roles | Feminine Traits & Stereotypes.” Planned
Parenthood, www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sexual-orientation-gender/gender-genderidentity/what-are-gender-roles-and-stereotypes.
“What Is a Pronoun? Types of Pronouns & Examples.” Ginger Grammar Rules,
W. Pennebaker, James. “Your Use Of Pronouns Reveals Your Personality.” Harvard Business
Review, 2011, https://hbr.org/2011/12/your-use-of-pronouns-reveals-your-personality.
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