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(영어 레포트) 호텔경영 호텔사업계획서 Business Plan of Sunshine Paradise Hotel (Griffith University)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


호주 그리피스 대학교(Griffith University) 호텔경영 과정 중
Hospitality Service Operation Management 수업 기말 레포트 입니다.

주제는 Business Plan of Sunshine Paradise Hotel
Sunshine Paradise Hotel이라는 가상의 호텔 사업 계획서에 대해 작성되었습니다.

총 7개 팀 중 1등했던 자료 입니다. 또한,
그리피스 대학교 학교웹사이트 복제 검열 프로그램 확인 10% 이하 내용들입니다.


1. Introduction

2. SWOT Analysis

3. Market Analysis
3.1 Market Situation
3.2 Positioning Strategy
3.3 Target Market
3.4 Promotional Strategy
3.4.1 Local Newspaper
3.4.2 Business Press
3.4.3 Public Relation Agency
3.5 Pricing Strategy
3.5.1 Differential Pricing
3.5.2 Penetration Pricing
3.5.3 Psychological Pricing

4. Mission Statement - Sunshine Paradise Mission Statement

5. Objectives

6. Financial Targets

7. Conclusion

8. Appendices

9. List of References


Executive Summary
This business plan set out the proposed operation strategies for Sunshine Paradise in order to become a 3 star corporate hotel. SWOT analysis and current market situations analysis has been conducted to understand the market trend. Sunshine Paradise will position itself as a 3 star corporate hotel by targeting corporate clientele. Newspaper, business press and public relation will be the main promotion medias while the main pricing strategies are differential pricing, penetration pricing and psychological pricing. Mission statement and objectives have been clearly identified to lead the future direction of Sunshine Paradise. Financial targets for 3 years period had also been estimated to assist the monitoring and evaluation process of hotel’s operation. Sunshine Paradise business decisions will be updated from time to time in order to make improvements and visualize its ultimate goal to become a 3 star corporate hotel.

참고 자료

Advertising and The Effectiveness of Advertising Media. (2007).
Barry, T. (1996 ). Marketing: an integrated approach (3rd ed.). New York CBS
Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. (2006 ). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (7th ed.). Boston Mc Graw-Hill Irwin
Financial Information - Pervious Owners. (2007).
HOTS Background Information. (2007).
HOTS Market Research- Competitor information. (2007). The Orange Simulation Company.
Local Economic Factors and Year 1 Projections. (2007). Acorn.
Pride, Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., Waller, D., Paladino, A., & Ferrell. (2006). Marketing: Core Concepts and Applications: Asia-Pacific Edition. Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia
United States Economic Situation and Forecast. (2007).
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(영어 레포트) 호텔경영 호텔사업계획서 Business Plan of Sunshine Paradise Hotel (Griffith University)
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