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"제인 에어"와 "위대한 유산"에 나타나는 동성애적 관계와 욕망에 대하여

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6페이지/ MS 워드
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제인 에어와 위대한 유산을 비교하며 두 소설 속에서 나타나는 동성애 관계와 그 욕망의 방식을 분석하여 서술한 글입니다.




The same-sex relationship in “Jane Eyre” is only an influence on the change of the character's temporary personality because the homosexual desire proceeds in such a way recognizing the object as an individual subject and trying to resemble the characteristics of the object. The relationship between Jane Eyre and Helen Burns is a typical example. On her first day at Lowood, Jane Eyre finds a girl reading alone in the garden like herself in Gateshead Hall. This commonality leads to a strong liking for Helen Burns, but the more she learns about Helen Burns, the more she realizes the difference between herself and her. When Helen Burns reads “Rasselas,” (59) she likes “a frivolous and childish kind.” (59) And the “doctrine of endurance” (67) that Helen Burns told her is new to Jane Eyre. After she realized this difference, Helen Burns transforms into an object of affection and longing to her. She then tries to understand how Helen Burns think of the world and to have a similar interest with her.

참고 자료

Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Penguin Classics, 2006. Print.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. None: Project Gutenberg Consortia Center,
Project Gutenberg. Web. Accessed 17 Dec 2020.
Kaplan, Carla. "Girl talk:" Jane Eyre" and the romance of women's narration." Novel: A
Forum on Fiction. Vol. 30. No. 1. Duke University Press, 1996.
Marcus, Sharon. Between women: Friendship, desire, and marriage in Victorian England.
Princeton University Press, 2009.
Shihada, Isam M. "Capitalism in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations: A Critique."
Available at SSRN 2962957 (2017).
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