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(영어 에세이) 고용관계 - 직원들의 발언권 employee voice (Griffith University)

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호주 그리피스 대학교(Griffith University)
Employment Relationship 수업 기말 레포트 입니다.

주제는 직원들의 발언권(employee voice)에 대해 작성되었습니다.

그리피스 대학교 재학 중 작성했던 레포트입니다.
학교웹사이트 복제 검열 프로그램 확인 10% 이하 내용들입니다.
똑같이 하지 마시고 참조 후 수정하여 제출하세요!




The term of employee voice is becoming well known and the importance and interest of employee voice is growing up (Dundon et al. 2004, p. 1149). It must be curious why the interest of employee voice has grown up and what employee voice is. Firstly, the reason for management is that employee voice notably affects organisational productivity and efficiency (Dundon et al. 2004, p.1149, Redman and Wilkinson 2005, p.383, Bryson and Charlwood and Forth 2006, p.440). Basically, employee voice can be defined in several ways. Armstrong (cited in Dundon et al. 2004 p.1150) argued that ‘voice historically meant collective bargaining’. Hirschman (cited in Dundon et al. 2004 p.1150) conceptualised that ‘voice is an option for customers in a context of how organisations respond to decline’ and McCabe and Lewin (cited in Dundon et al. 2004, p.1151) argued that ‘expression of complaints or grievances in a work context by employees to management and participation of..

<중 략>

참고 자료

Alexander, R and Lewer, J and Nankervis, A and Compton, R and Baird, M 2006, EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS, THOMSON, South Melbourne.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2007, Australia, accessed 3 September 2007, <http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/6310.0Main%20Features2Aug%202006?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=6310.0&issue=Aug%202006&num=&view>.
Australian Council of Trade Unions 2007, Australia, accessed 3 September 2007, <http://www.actu.asn.au/AboutACTU/abouttradeunions/default.aspx>
Bryson, A and Charlwood, A and Forth, J 2006, ‘Worker voice, managerial response and labour productivity: an empirical investigation’, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 438-455.
Dundon, T and Wilkinson, A and Marchington, M and Ackers, P 2004, ‘The meanings and purpose of employee voice’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1149-1170.
Gollan, PJ 2003, ‘All Talk But No Voice: Employee Voice at the Eurotunnel Call Centre’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 509-541.
McCabe, DM and Lewin, D 2001, ‘Employee Voice: A Human Resource Management Perspective’, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 112-123
Markey, R 2006, ‘The internationalisation of representative employee participation and its impact in the Asia Pacific’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 342-363.
Pyman, A and Cooper, B and Teicher, J and Holland, p 2006, ‘A comparison of the effectiveness of employee voice arrangements in Australia’, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 543-559.
Redman, R and Wilkinson, A, Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, Pearson, pp. 382-404
Sako, M 1998, ‘The nature and impact of employee ‘voice’ in the European car components industry’, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, vol. 8, no. 2, pp.5-13.
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