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[영문 레포트] 대한민국의 토양 (Soils in South Korea)

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"대한민국의 토양 (Soils in South Korea)"에 대한 영문 레포트입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Soil classification system
3. Types of soil
4. International soil classification system (WRB)
5. Problem
6. Special feature of soils
7. References


South Korea is a country in northeastern Asia that occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. The Korean Peninsula is together with 3579 islands mostly clustered off the southwestern coast, and it is flanked by two oceans, the East Sea and the West Sea. With around 70% of the land is mountainous region and there are many rivers in comparison with the land area. The climate is clear in all four seasons; summer and winter are long, but spring and autumn are relatively short. It is very dry (less rain), and cold (−15°C) in winter, whereas, summer is hot (34°C) and humid because of the rain front since the end of June to August (i.e. rainy season)

< 중 략 >

In South Korea, soil property and acidity (pH) are the most important characteristics to define the soil. South Korea has sandy soils produced from coarse granite and serpentine granite (except Jeju Island), which weathering rate is very slow; thus the productivity is low due to very low due to the low moisture and nutrient holding capacity.

참고 자료

S.Y. Hong, Y.S. Zhang, B.K. Hyun, Y.K. Sonn, Y.H. Kim, S.J. Jung, C.W. Park, K.C. Song, B.C. Jang, E.Y. Choe, Y.J. Lee, S.K. Ha, M.S. Kim, J.S. Lee, G.B. Jung, B.G. Ko, and G.Y. Kim (2009). An Introduction of Korean Soil Information System. Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer. Volume 42. Issue 1. 21-28.
Soil Classification Map. retrieved from http://soil.rda.go.kr/eng/atlas/classification.jsp
S.Y. Hong, Y.S. Zhang, Y.H. Kim, K.H. Jung, Y.J. Lee, E.Y. Choe, S.K. Ha, Y.K. Sonn, B.K. Hyun, M.S. Kim, S.O. Hur, K.C. Song, B.G. Ko, G.Y. Kim, and K.Y. Jung. (2010). Development of Soil Information System and Its Application in Korea.
Soil of Korea. 20th World Congress of Soil Science. 20WCSS Secretariat. retrieved from http://www.20wcss.org/sub09_2.php
Korean National Institute of Agricultural Sciences website. (2017). retrieved from http://soil.rda.go.kr/soil/index.jsp
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[영문 레포트] 대한민국의 토양 (Soils in South Korea)
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