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인본주의 심리학, 칼 융의 심리학에 대한 기독교적 비판 (영문)

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"인본주의 심리학, 칼 융의 심리학에 대한 기독교적 비판 (영문)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Title1:Critique of Humanistic Psychology
2. Title : The critique of Carl Jung’s theory.


Even though Humanistic Psychology influence many area , it is like benign drugs as Kilpatrick says(Kilpatrick , 1985) So , its dangerous effects don’t be revealed until later. That’s why Humanistic psychology may be much more perilous than any other Psychological perspectives as psychodynamic perspectives , behavioral perspectives and so on. Humanistic Psychology has many problem as we see it using Christian perspectives.

First ,Humanistic psychology is involved in Humanism. So , its worldview must include behaviorism.(Noebel , 2006). It’s the natural process. Because they generally deny supernatural concept , they have no choice but to embrace only naturalism and materialism. But , interestingly , few Humanistic psychologist agree behaviorism. Because In behavioral perspectives , human-being is merely helpless physical mass ,we are processed by our external environment.(Noebel,2006). It is not charming theory ,nor does it seem to explain our daily experience exactly.

참고 자료

A.Bobgan, D. & Martin. (1987). Psychoheresy : The psychological seduction of Christianity. Santa Barbara, California : East Gate.
B.Groothuis, D. (2006). Carl Jung : Beware. Retrieved from World Wide Web. Available :
C.Noll, R. (1994). The Jung Cult : origins of a charismatic movement. Free Press Paperbacks.
D.Williams, M.A. (2006). Carl Jung’s View of God. Retrieved from World Wide Web. Available :
E.Jones, S.L. & Butman, R.E. (1991). Modern Psychotherapies : A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal. InterVarsity Press.
F.Pfeifer, A.A. (1998). Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: A Christian Perspective. Andrews University , Columbia.
G.Kilpatrick, W.K. (1985). The Emperor’s New Clothes : The Naked Truth About the New Psychology. Crossway Books.
H.Jung, C.G. (1981). Answer To Job. Routledge
I. McGrath, J.M. & McGrath, A.E (2002). Self-Esteem : The Cross and Christian Confidence. Crossway Books..
J. Hird, E. (1998). Carl Jung, Neo-Gnosticism, & The MBTI. Past National Chair of ARM. Canada.
K. Bobgan, D. & Martin. (1997). The End of Christian Psychology. Santa Barbara, California : East Gate.
L. Vitz, P.C. (1994). Psychology as Religion : The Cult of Self-Worship. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
M. Noebel, D. (2006). Understanding the Times: The Collision of Today’s Competing Worldviews (Rev. 2nd ed). Summit press.
O. Bobgan, D. & Martin (1998). Larry Crabb’s Gospel. Santa Barbara, California : East Gate.
박노권 (n.d.). 기독교 영성과 융의 개성화이론에 대한 비교연구. Retrieved from World Wide Web. Available: http://www.inbora.com/gnuboard/bbs/board.php?bo_table=board13&wr_id=489
권오석 (1990). C.G.융 심리학 해설. 서울,대한민국 : 홍신문화사
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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