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영미단편소설 A+ 과제 7. The Untold Lie & A Rose for Emily

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The Untold Lie_Sherwood Anderson
A Rose for Emily_William Faulkner


1. Discuss the symbolism of horses in the story. What is the significance of corn?
2. How are the lives and marriage of Ray and Hal interconnected? Explain the title and the ending of the story

1. Is the story “A Rose for Emily” told in chronological order? Who is the narrator? Is he/she a participant or non-participant narrator?
2. If Emily is a symbol for the vanishing aristocracy of Antebellum (pre-Civil War) America, what is the symbolic meaning of her reaction to her father’s death? How does that scene foreshadow what we learn about Homer?
3. How does the attitude of the townspeople toward Emily change as the story progresses. Why is Homer not a suitable match for Emily? What details suggest Emily will marry Homer? What hints suggest he will not? What do readers realize happened to Homer by the story's end?
4. Did the confederate army still exist when the story takes place? Explain the soldiers’ reaction to Emily’s death and the poetic last sentence of paragraph 55. Why is dust mentioned again and again? How is the passage of time the most prominent theme in the story?
c. What happened when he left? Did he abandon her? Why did he come back?
d. Why does Emily decide to kill Homer? How does she murder him?
e. Why did the smell of Homer’s corpse disappear after only one week?
f. What was her relationship to Tobe?


1. Discuss the symbolism of horses in the story. What is the significance of corn?
The symbolism of horses is the freedom as the town men secretly admires Windpeter’s death and the scene that Ray’s dream suggested this. And also Hal thinks marriage is like a horse being tamed and trained being obsessed.
The significance of corn is that it is a symbolism of a middle American and their lives. But in the contextual prospect when corn field comes out there is some kind of mysterious feeling comes out. Like the two men, Hal and Ray almost telepathy.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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영미단편소설 A+ 과제 7. The Untold Lie & A Rose for Emily
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