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[전학영 A+ 에세이] 전문학술영어 에세이 Word 자료

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"[전학영 A+ 에세이] 전문학술영어 에세이 Word 자료"에 대한 내용입니다.
세부주제 : PAE Problem & Solution Essay




Despite the pride and praise of building the "Miracle on the Han River," the quality of life for the elderly is overshadowed. Korea is aging at the fastest rate in the world. Statistics Korea predicted that the country would become a "super-aged" society in 2026, but that now looks to happen much sooner (Kim, 2017). While the death rate has already achieved low modern levels, there are still traces of malnutrition and other debilitative conditions among the elderly and ill health is generally believed to be an inevitable accompaniment of old age (Sin, 2008).

참고 자료

Kim, G.H. (2018, April 9). More intelligent AI speakers, Retrieved from
Kim, J.S. (2018, December). The dementia rate for the elderly has exceeded 10 percent for the first time.
Retrieved from https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/201812301797087030
Kim, N.Y. (2019, April 22). AI speaker 'Who' in the Age of Aging, leading the care of 2,100 elderly people
living alone. Retrieved from http://www.asiatoday.co.kr/view.php?key=20190422010014691
Kim, S.K. and Jang, H. (2017, September 4). Korea Officially Becomes Aged Society. Retrieved from http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2017/09/04/2017090401307.html
Lee, E.H. (2019, January 8). "Samsung Robot" CES first appeared, "Help and Life Care Help.".
Retrieved from https://www.zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20190108054325
Park, E.J. (2016, October). Health Status in Old Age and Its Policy Implications. [PDF] Retrieved from
https://www.kihasa.re.kr/web/publication/periodical/view.do?menuId =396&ano=6
Sin, J.S. (2008, October 8). A Study on the Health Problems of the Elderly. Retrieved from http://www.ipcs21.com/default/index_view_page.php?idx=12412&part_idx=308


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