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ODA for Sustainable Development - Focusing on the growth case of Korea

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최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
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"ODA for Sustainable Development - Focusing on the growth case of Korea "
지속가능한 개발을 위한 공적개발원조 사례 조사 (case study) - 한국의 경제 성장 과정과 관련하여


1. Introduction : Korea's economic growth as a global exception

2. The concept of ODA and sustainable development issues

3. Purpose of ODA

4. Changes in ODA trends

5. Korea as recipient and donor
5.1 History as a recipient country
5.2 History as a donor

6. Conditions for sustainable development in Korea's case

7. Conclusion : The direction ODA should aim for


Official Development Assistance refers to aid provided by public institutions, including the government, with the goal of promoting economic development and social welfare in developing countries. As various forms of foreign aid were made, discussions about sustainable development arose. The purpose of ODA performed by donors can be divided into three categories: altruistic, practical, and diplomacy and security. Korea can be classified as a country that takes an approach that combines practical aspects with efforts to comply with international development aid norms. The fact that Korea was able to achieve rapid economic growth in a short period of time was largely due to the fact that it received a lot of support as an ODA recipient. In this context, the ODA structure centered on the donor country should be changed to form a self-sustaining development structure for the recipient country.

참고 자료

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