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Impact of COVID-19 on European Sports Case Study

최초 등록일
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6페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"Impact of COVID-19 on European Sports: Case Study"
유럽 스포츠 산업에 대한 코로나19의 영향 : 사례 조사


1. Introduction : Our lives changed by COVID-19

2. Relationship between sports and COVID-19

3. The impact of COVID-19 on the global sports market

4. Case study: Germany (sportswear market)
4.1 The struggle of the German sportswear market
4.2 Comparison between Adidas and Puma

5. Case study: Canadian bicycle market

6. Conclusion: The role of sports in the era of COVID-19 becoming the new normal


The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives. As can be seen from the number 19, the coronavirus outbreak, first reported at the end of 2019, has been prolonged and is still having an impact after about a year and a half. Schools have stopped, shops are closed, and we have to provide body temperature information along with where we are. The economies of many countries have been shaken, and they have suffered for a while due to quarantine measures and border closures. Even after the condition eased, movement between countries has decreased significantly, raising questions about the concept of global citizenship. In the early days of the crisis, racial discrimination in the guise of protecting their own citizens occurred in many Western countries. One thing is clear that life before and after COVID-19 will be very different.

참고 자료

"Covid-19 and amateur sports: the situation in Europe." SOMA disinfobservatory. last modified n.d., accessed 20210604, https://www.disinfobservatory.org/covid-19-and-amateur-sports-the-situation-in-europe/.
"The economic impact of COVID-19 on the sport sector in the EU: key findings from the latest report by the European Commission." sportetcitoyennete. last modified n.d., accessed 20210604, https://www.sportetcitoyennete.com/en/articles-en/the-economic-impact-of-covid-19-on-the-sport-sector-in-the-eu-key-findings-from-the-latest-report-by-the-european-commission.
"Revealed: economic impact of COVID-19 on UK sport industry." ecorys. last modified n.d., accessed 20210604, https://www.ecorys.com/united-kingdom/latest-news/revealed-economic-impact-covid-19-uk-sport-industry-four-nations-may
코로나19 유행으로 직격탄 맞은 독일 스포츠웨어 시장." KOTRA. last modified n.d., accessed 20210604, https://news.kotra.or.kr/user/globalAllBbs/kotranews/album/781/globalBbsDataAllView.do?dataIdx=186179&column=&search=&searchAreaCd=&searchNationCd=&searchTradeCd=&searchStartDate=&searchEndDate=&searchCategoryIdxs=&searchIndustryCateIdx=&searchItemCode=&searchItemName=&page=2&row=10.
"Puma sales up for Q4 2020 but CEO warns of Covid’s continued “negative impact”." sportspromedia. last modified n.d., accessed 20210604, https://www.sportspromedia.com/news/puma-financial-results-2020-q4-covid-19-usopc-lawsuit.
"코로나19가 페달 밟아주는 캐나다 자전거 시장." kita. last modified n.d., accessed 20210604, https://www.kita.net/cmmrcInfo/cmmrcNews/cmmrcNews/cmmrcNewsDetail.do?pageIndex=1&nIndex=59872&sSiteid=2&query=%EC%BD%94%EB%A1%9C%EB%82%9819%20%20%EC%8A%A4%ED%8F%AC%EC%B8%A0.
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