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묘지로 가는 길(go to the cemantry) 번역본

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"묘지로 가는 길(go to the cemantry) 번역본"에 대한 내용입니다.




Thomas Mann
Germany 1901
The PATH to the cemetery ran always parallel to the highway, always side by side, until it had reached its goal; that is to say the cemetery. On the other side there were human habitations, new structures of the suburbs, part of which were still in process of completion, and then came fields.
묘지로 가는 길은 목적지인 묘지에 이르기까지 줄곧 국도를 옆에 끼고 있었다. 그 길의 반대편에는 입구에 인가와 교외의 신축건물들이 있었는데 그 중 일부는 아직도 공사중이었다. 그리고 이 건물들을 지나면 들판이었다.
As to the highway itself this was flanked by trees, by knotty beeches of a good old age, and the road was half paved and half bare earth. But the path to the cemetery was thinly strewn with pebbles, which gave it the character of an agreeable foot-path. A small, dry ditch, filled with grass and wildflowers, extended between the two.
국도엔 오래되고 울퉁불퉁한 마디 투성이의 너도밤나무가 덮였는데, 그 반 쯤은 포장이 되었고, 반은 비포장도로였다. 그러나 묘지로 가는 길은 자갈이 깔려 있어 보도의 구실을 훌륭히 하고 있었다. 그 국도와 묘지로 가는 길 사이에는 풀과 들꽃으로 뒤덮인 좁고 메마른 도랑이 뻗어 있었다.

참고 자료

How does Piepsam’s appearance contrast with the season and weather?
Weather is spring and warm. So really good. But Piepsam wear black costume. He looks shabby and not good.
Why was Piepsam walking along the path to the cemetery?
Because his every family is die. So he walk to see his loved family.
What happened to Piepsam’s wife and third child, specifically? We know that his wife had been “reft from his side” and that the child was still-born, but what do these things mean, exactly?
The wife died half a year ago while giving birth, and the child both died of illness or malnutrition.
What was Piepsam’s vice, specifically, and how did it affect him at his job?
He did unfair connection so he was fired. (This answer doesn't make sense in English. Basically, he was an an alcoholic.)
Why does the narrator call the bicycle rider “Life” and use the pronoun “it” to describe him?
Because he is a symbol of life rather than a character.
Why did Piepsam say he was going to “report” Life?
He ride a bicycle on that road, not on the national highway. And he didn't like him who was young and excited.
Why did Life become angry and then punch Piepsam and threaten him?
Because Piepsam follows the bicycle and holds onto the saddle.
How did the other people react to Piepsam when he began shouting after Life had ridden far away from him?
They laughed and watched him. Then someone stopped him.
What did some of the people do to try to revive Piepsam after he had collapsed?
Pour water into his face and rubbed some brandy.
How did the dog react to Piepsam while he was shouting? What did the dog do?
Dog braces for legs against the ground and howled directly into his face.


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