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[사회과학] Dokdo explanation

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"[사회과학] Dokdo explanation"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. An Overview of Dokdo and Takeshima
1) Dokdo: Korea
2) Takeshima: Japan

2. Korea has historically possessed Dokdo
1) In the year 512, Silla conquered the Usan state.
2) Korean government publications testify that Dokdo is a Korean territory
3) Ancient Japanese documents also prove that Dokdo is Korean territory

3. The Ulleungdo conflict in late 17th century ended with the Japanese Edo shogunate recognizing that both Ulleungdo and Dokdo are outside of Japanese territorial jurisdiction.

4. The process of including Dokdo as a part of the Shimane prefecture
1) Inclusion into the Shimane prefecture
2) The Eulsa Treaty (the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905) and Dokdo

5. The San Francisco Peace Treaty and Dokdo
1) Omission of Dokdo in the San Francisco Peace Treaty
2) The U.S. State Department secret documents that negate the Rusk letter

6. The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea of 1965 and Dokdo


Dokdo was perceived as vassal islets of the Usan state (of Ulleungdo) from the 6th century until the middle of the 15th century. It was through the repatriation policy starting from the 15th century that Dokdo became widely recognized as Usando. In 1882, King Gojong called DokdoUsando (Gojongsillok.) With the migration policy to Ulleungdo, the people living in Ulleungdo began to call DokdoDolseom “rock island.” The name Dolseom became Dokseom through the Jeolla dialect rendering, eventually becoming Dokdo. The people who began to live in Ulleungdo from 1880 named the islets Dokdo.

In 1900, Daehan-jeguk (the Greater Korean Empire) issued edict 41, which listed Dokdo as Seokdo and a part of the Uldo County’s jurisdiction (Ulleungdo.) The name Seokdo is a rendering of the name Dolseom using Chinese characters. In 1904, Nikata, a Japanese warship, used the name Dokdo in its daily record. This is recognized as the moment the name Dokdo became established.

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[사회과학] Dokdo explanation
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