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서울대학교 일반화학실험 <천연색소와 무기안료>

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"서울대학교 일반화학실험 <천연색소와 무기안료>"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Data & Results

4. Discussion

5. 과제
1) 소목 (Caesalpinia sappan) , 치자 (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) , 자초 (Lithospermum erythrorhizon) 에 들어있는 성분 조사 [10 점]
2) 산이나 염기 지시약으로 쓰이는 물질의 종류 (각각 2 가지 이상) 와 원리 [10 점]
3) 금속 매염액의 역할을 설명하고 금속 매염액 종류 3 가지 이상 기술 [8 점]
4) 금속 매염제인 철은 (A) 금속원소에 속한다. (A) 금속원소란 (B) 오비탈 구역의 원소를 말한다. A 와 B 에 들어갈 말 채우기 [2 점]


Growing concern over various environmental and health issues of synthetic dyes have led to greater attention toward natural dyes as alternative colorants. As such, characterization of coloring features of natural dyes is important. In the present experiment, natural dyes were extracted from three different plant species - Caesalpinia sappan, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, and Lithospermum erythrorhizon. To further examine factors inducing color change of these natural dyes, iron and alum pre-mordant agents as well as acid and base solutions were treated to the fiber. Data indicate that change in intensity of colors can be achieved by mordants and acid-base treatment. Mordants, iron mordant in particular, not only deepen the color shade but also expands the color range that can be achieved. This is made possible through formation of coordination complex by the metal ions of metallic mordants with the dye and the fiber

참고 자료

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