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Where are the short-comings in Korean politics? the evaluation of Democracy

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9페이지/ 한컴오피스
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"Where are the short-comings in Korean politics? the evaluation of Democracy"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Some thoughts about democracy
3. The process of democracy in South Korea
4. Short-comings in Korean Politics
5. Conclusion


In the Economist's democracy index, South korea was ranked as “flawed democracy” in 2007. The Economist Intelligence Unit's index provides a snapshot of the current state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories. This covers almost the entire population of the world and the vast majority of the world's 192 independent states (27 micro-states are excluded). Almost half of the world's countries can be considered to be democracies, however, the number of "full democracies" is relatively low (only 28). Almost twice as many(54) are rated as "flawed democracies". Of the remaining 85 states, 55 are authoritarian and 30 are considered to be "hybrid regimes". As could be expected, the developed OECD countries (with the notable exception of Italy) dominate among full democracies, although there are two Latin American, two central European and one African country, which means that the level of development is not a binding constraint.

참고 자료

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권익: A study of democratization in Korea: Thesis(Ph.D) 국제관계여공공사무학원(정치학이론).Shanghai, China 2002
김경식: An investigation concerning introduction and development of liberal democracy in Republic of Korea: Thesis(MA) 한성대학교 행정대학원 일반행정전공 1992
김영태: The Study of Democracy Consolidation Process in South Korea: Thesis(Ph.D) 동국대학교 대학원 정치학과 2005.8
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Hyosun: Arirang news Jun 3,2010
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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Where are the short-comings in Korean politics? the evaluation of Democracy
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