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[영문레포트] 조선시대 여성 지위에 대한 분석 (The status of women in Joseon Dynasty)

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[영문레포트] 조선시대 여성 지위에 대한 분석 (The status of women in Joseon Dynasty)


I. Introduction
1. What is “Concubine system”?
2. The correlation between Confucianism and the concubine system

II. Body
1. Various concubine systems during the Joseon Dynasty
2. Discrimination in society and low status of concubine women in family

III. Conclusion



The Joseon dynasty was founded based on Neo-Confucianism and aimed to establish a Confucian society. As the enforcement of “Jongbeob order” was implemented, women were strictly controlled and regulated in many ways and these regulations of women also existed in family relations. Under these circumstances, monogamous family relationship accompanied with concubines were established as laws. As evidence of this, in the 13th year of King Taejong's reign during the Joseon Dynasty, monogamy was strongly enforced legally. Therefore, the act of bigamy could be punished by law. However, the form of monogamy during the Joseon Dynasty was incomplete since it allowed the existence of ‘Cheb’ which refers the women other than men’s’ first wife. In other words, men and women could have only one husband and wife but men could greet other women other than their wives who were married according to Confucian order. And of course, it applied only to men. And we call this kind of marriage system as “Concubine system”.

참고 자료

정지영, 「조선시대 첩에 대한 포섭과 배제의 장치들 -법전류의 첩 관련 규정 분석을 중심으로-」, 한국고전여성문학회, 2009, pg.66, 67
황수연, 「조선후기 첩과 아내 - 은폐된 갈등과 전략적 화해」, 한국고전여성문학회, 2006, pg.351
김두헌, 「조선후기 중인의 서류 (庶流) 및 첩에 대한 차별」, 조선시대사학회, 2000, pg.64
박경, 「조선전기 처첩질서 확립에 대한 고찰」, 박경, 2000, pg.206
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[영문레포트] 조선시대 여성 지위에 대한 분석 (The status of women in Joseon Dynasty)
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