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재즈 아티스트 중 1명 골라서 영어 에세이 쓰기 ) Introducing my favorite jazz artist, Billie Holiday

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5페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Why did you choose this artist?
2. What is special about this artist?
3. What is your favorite tune by this artist and explain why.
4. Anything you want to write about this artist.
5. Reference


1. Why did you choose this artist?

I choose Billie Holiday as my favorite jazz artist. There are three reasons that I love her.
First, she has fabulous talent to make people instantly absorbed into her singing. I usually turn on the music as a background sound while I’m doing something. Therefore most of time, I don’t really listening music. However, whenever Billie Holiday’s tune starts, I suddenly realize that music is playing. And whatever I was doing, stop and focus on her. I think that is because of her unique and powerful voice.
Secondly, I usually prefer an artist who can show much differences with others by creative originality than who just can sing a song well. In fact, Billie Holiday’s voice is not a type of pure and ringing, and she did not strictly follow the scores in stage when she was alive. Those things make, however, the songs more rich and soulful, and also make her be a irreplaceable musician until now. I love that she got her own style.

참고 자료

빌리 홀리데이, 김정미, 인물세계사, 2012년 10월 10일
판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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재즈 아티스트 중 1명 골라서 영어 에세이 쓰기 ) Introducing my favorite jazz artist, Billie Holiday
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