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과학과 기술은 인간사회에 대한 위협인가 (영문 에세이)

최초 등록일
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6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기




One of the famous quotes given by American author Kurt Vonnegur is that science is magic that works. The sentence reflects human obsession over science. Science and technology, which is the application of scientific facts, have had various effects on many people, wildlife, and the overall society in both positive and negative ways. However, the undesirable consequences that lead to the conclusion that science poses a grave threat to society cannot be underestimated. To commence, scientific advances can take advantage of the vulnerability and mortality of human beings. Firstly, technological advances have allowed for the sophistication of weapons. It has been undeniable that weapons are required for survival, being necessary in situations of both attack or defense.

참고 자료

Carlson, Samantha. ''5 Ways Animals Are Exploited for Labor.'' One Green Planet, 01 June.
2021. https://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/5-ways-animals-are-exploited-for-labor/. Accessed 10 June. 2021.
Denchak, Melissa. ''Are the Effects of Global Warming Really That Bad?.'' NRDC, 21 Apr.
2021. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/are-effects-global-warming-really-bad. Accessed 9 June. 2021.
Guilmartin, John F. ''Military Technology.'' Encyclopaedia Britannica, (n.d.).
https://www.britannica.com/technology/military-technology. Accessed 9 June 2021.
Harford, Tim. ''How fertiliser helped feed the world.'' BBC news, 02 Jan 2017.
Lowe, Dan. ''Karl Marx's Conception of Alienation.'' 1000-Word Philosophy, 09 Mar. 2021.
https://1000wordphilosophy.com/2015/05/13/karl-marxs-conception-of-alienation/. Accessed 10 June 2021.
Parshley, Lois. ''Fukushima's tragic legacy-radioactive soil, ongoing leaks,
and unanswered questions. National Geographic.'' National Geographic, (n.d.). https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/fukushima-tragic-legacy-radioactive-soil. Accessed 9 June 2021.
Patton, James. ''The Harber Process in War and Peace. Roads to the Great War.'' Roads to The
Great War, (n.d.). http://roadstothegreatwar-ww1.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-haber-process-in-war-and-peace.html. Accessed 10 June 2021.
''Fukushima accident.'' Britannica, (n.d.).
https://www.britannica.com/event/Fukushima-accident. Accessed 10 June 2021.
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