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응용영어학개론 프로젝트 1, Applied English

최초 등록일
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"응용영어학개론 프로젝트 1, Applied English"에 대한 내용입니다.




Background: This conversation takes place in County Cork, Ireland in 1920 during the Irish War of Independence and the Irish Civil War. Dr. Damien O'Donovan is about to leave his native village to practice medicine in a London hospital. However, the British soldiers (Black and Tans) suddenly busts in the village and Damien witnesses the summary execution of his friend Micheál Ó Súilleabháin.

(More than 5 soldiers suddenly bust in with guns)
1 Soldiers: (shouts) Move! Move!
(Point their gun to the villagers)
2 Demian O'Donovan: Alright. Alright
3 Soldiers: Get over there! Against the wall, now! Don't move a muscle.
(Push the villagers forcefully to stand in line)
4 Sergeant : Don't look at me! Move!
(Villagers stand in line)
Alright. How many times have you bastards, you Mick bastards, been told, eh? Defence of the Realm Act. Do you understand? All public meetings are banned, and that includes your poxy little games. Do you understand?
(Looks at a private soldier) Take their details. I want names. I want addresses. I want an occupation.
5 Private: Name?
6 Con O'Sullivan: Con O'Sulliv[an.
7 Sergeant: [Louder!]
8 Con O'Sullivan: [Con O'Sullivan. Ballingeary. Ironmonger.]
9 Sergeant: Name?
10 Chris Reilly: Chris Reil[ly.
11 Sergeant: [Louder!]

참고 자료

Movie Clip, The Wind That Shakes the Barley(2006)
Hall, C. J., Smith, P. H., & Wicaksono(2015), R. Mapping applied linguistics: A guide for students and practitioners. Routledge
Bonny Norton Pierce(1995). Social Identity, Investment, and Language Learning
Kramsch,C. (2014) Language and Culture
판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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