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[수석졸업/A+인증/영어레포트] 국제경영론 / 중소기업 해외시장 진출 전략 report (SME, How to Adapt in Other Market?) 5 forces model

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I. Introduction
1. What is SME?
2. Market trend in other countries.

II. Point
1. What is Porter’s Model?
2. Analysis with using Porter’s model.
3. Analysis about main market.
4. Comparing each market.
5. Provide global strategy.

III. Conclusion
1. Tide up the reason and strategy.


I. Introduction
1. What is SME?
There are so many enterprises in the world. Also there are so many kind of enterprises. We can categorize them with many standards. For example, we can divide them with the fields of them. Samsung, Google, Apple are Intelligence Technologies companies, and Toyota, Hyundai, Benz, BMW are vehicle companies, and Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Asics, Mizuno are sportswear companies.
And there’s the definition about SME. It is just a kind of categories. But there’s some difference. As mentioned above, they are sorted with their industrial fields, which means that the operation they conduct. SME means Small and Medium- sized enterprise, which is sorted with the size of the companies. There’s no accurate standards between the big enterprise andSME. Just like staff members and revenue, value of asset will be the standards.

2. SME’s market trend in other countries.
Nowadays, many enterprises expand their business in abroad.

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[수석졸업/A+인증/영어레포트] 국제경영론 / 중소기업 해외시장 진출 전략 report (SME, How to Adapt in Other Market?) 5 forces model
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