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국제정치와 윤리 중간대체 레포트 (이주결혼)

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"국제정치와 윤리 중간대체 레포트" 로, 이주결혼에 관한 영어 레포트입니다. 교수님께 꼼꼼한 리서치로 a+ 받았습니다.


1. Introduction
2. Observation of the status quo
3. Debates on the Topic
4. Conclusion and Proposal
5. Sources


1. Introduction
Korea is an “exclusive marriage import country” (H.Kwon·B.Kang, 2016, pp32.) In other words, Koreans no longer solely rely on the domestic population when it comes to marriage. This tendency is more conspicuous among Korean men; according to Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (2017), 71.4% of international marriage happened between Korean men and foreign women from developing countries including Vietnam (36.1%), China (26.1%) and Thailand (6.8%) in 2017. Also, most of these marriages are arranged through marriage brokers. Thus, a prominent number of Korean men are marrying women from developing countries through international marriage agencies at the status quo.

참고 자료

Kwan, Han-Woon· Kang, Byeongro (2016), “The Study on Human Right Protection and the Process of Marriage Brokers Business Management for Migrant Women via International Marriage in Asia”,『Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies』. Vol.23 No.1, pp32-60.
Kim, Sang-Chan· Kim, Yu-Jung (2011), “Legal challenge for International marriages immigrant
women’s of human rights protection”, 『법학연구』 43, pp319-344.
Kim, HanGon· Seo, JeongYeon (2014), “Realities and Issues of the Cross-border Married Korean Men in Gyeongbuk Rural Area”, 『The Institute for Korean Culture』 58, pp443-489.
Lee, Mu-Seon (2014), “The Protection of Female Marriage Immigrants in Human Rights Aspects”,『Soongsil Law Review』 Vol.32, pp131-159.
United States State Department (2018), “Trafficking Report”.
United Nations Human Rights Council (2012), “Submission to the United Nations United Periodic Review, Republic of Korea”.
Korea Statistical Information Service (2018), “Opinion about Policies on Marriage brokerage”,
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (2017), “The Status Quo of International Marriage”,
Yonhap news (2018),
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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