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경영전략 영문 보고서 <Group Consulting on AMD's Strategy>

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"경영전략 영문 보고서 "에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Industry and Firm Strategy Analysis
1) 5 Forces Model Analysis
2) Product Difference and Trend
3) Comparing Firm Strategy
4) Key Success Factors and RERC model

3. Desktop
1) Structural Difference between Intel’s CPU and AMD’s CPU
2) Mainboard & Pin Problems
3) Graphics Processing Unit
4) Poor Name Value

4. Server
1) Why had AMD trembled after its success until 2006?
2) Then, why had the difference in CPU performance of AMD and Intel been so huge?
3) How was AMD able to reclaim its existence in the server CPU market recently?
4) What are the key success factors of AMD’s server CPUs in comparison with Intel? How does the potential target customer group differ?
5) How should AMD further expand its market share in the server CPU market?


1. Introduction
There are two main players in the CPU market – Intel and AMD. Though two companies have been constantly competing each other for more market share, the leader of this oligopoly market has always been Intel. According to the research of Passmark Software, Intel’s market share in CPU market is about 65% as of 2020 Q1, whereas AMD accounts for only around 35%. Moreover, Intel has never lost its #1 position for more than 15 years. AMD’s effort to defeat Intel has not been working for a long time. Also, AMD is suffering from lower profitability than Intel. AMD’s annual operating margin in 2019 was 9.4%, while that of Intel was 31.2%. In other words, AMD is facing both lower market share and lower profitability than Intel, and our group saw this as the strategic problem. In this report, we are going to analyze the problem in depth and suggest the strategic solutions so that AMD can expand its market share and aim for the higher long-term profitability.

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