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(영문에세이) 공공기관 개혁과 경쟁 문화 도입 - 과연 만능해결책인가 (5C 전략을 중심으로)

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최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Change Management 라는 과목에서 공공기관 개혁에 관해 작성한 영문 에세이입니다. 공공기관을 개혁함에 있어 경쟁 문화를 도입하는 것이 어떤 결과를 가져오는지, 사례를 중심으로 분석했습니다.


2.The need for restructuring public organization
3.The Consequences Strategy from the Five C’s
4.The case of Indianapolis: Managed competition
5.The benefits of the managed competition approach
6. The limits of the managed competition approach


1. Introduction
In modern nations, public organizations provide services, playing considerable roles in the economy as well as social welfare. However, due to their characteristics of bureaucracy and monopoly, they sometimes become a huge burden to society. Thus, a notion of public sector restructuring appeared in an attempt to increase efficiency and productivity in government. In this sense, Osborne and Plastrik (1997) suggest five strategies (Five C’s) to reinvent government.

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3.The Consequences Strategy from the Five C’s
Osborne and Plastrik (1997) suggest the five strategies for reinventing government- Core, Consequences, Customer, Control and Culture strategy. The Consequences strategy introduces incentives to public sectors. There is no incentive mechanism in a public organization, as workers are paid the same whether they do better or not. Therefore, the Consequences strategy creates consequences for performance. It tries to improve performance by using the principle of market and competition. Incentives work as a lever to stimulate public workers to improve themselves. There are three approaches in the strategy. The first one is to put the public organization into the market (Enterprise management). If not appropriate, the second approach is to create competition between the organization and other ones (Managed competition). The last approach is to measure performance (Performance management).

참고 자료

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Osborne, D., & Plastrik, P. (1997). Banishing bureaucracy: The five strategies for reinventing government. Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley Pub. Co.
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Rigging the bids. (2016, November 19). The Economist. Retrieved from https://www.economist.com/europe/2016/11/19/rigging-the-bids
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