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(영문)경찰과 국제개발협력 - 글로벌 트렌드와 한국 경찰에 대한 정책적 함의

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이라는 제목으로 작성한 학위 대체 과제(영문)입니다.
형식 및 내용이 논문에 준하게 작성되어 있습니다.


I. Introduction
II. Peace and Security as Development Agendas
2.1. Peace and Security as Development Agendas
2.2. The Importance of Peace and Security in Development
2.3. The Trend of Official Development Assistance in the Field of Peace and Security
2.4. Concerns and Principles Regarding Peace and Security Development Issues
2.5. The Boundaries of Development Cooperation in the Field of Peace and Security

III. Police and Peace · Security Development
3.1. The Importance of Police in Peace and Security Development
3.2. Police Reform and Police Assistance as Peace and Security Development
3.3. Various Forms of Police Assistance
3.4. Lessons from police Assistance in the 1990s and 2000s
3.5. Recent International Police Assistance Cases by Foreign Institutions

IV. Development Cooperation by Korean National Police
4.1. Official Development Assistance Projects
4.2. Training Foreign Police Officers
4.3. Participation in UN Peace Keeping Operations

V. Analysis and Policy Implication
5.1. Analysis of Development Cooperation by Korean National Police
5.2. Policy Implication for Korean National Police

VI. Conclusion


It is relatively recent that police have stood out as one of the actors in development cooperation. To discuss the relationship between police and development cooperation, we need to start from how peace and security arose as development agendas. Peace and security were not traditional themes in development. For a long time, they were regarded as a national concept among countries, mainly denoting ‘a condition with no wars’. However, following the end of the Cold War, the notion of peace and security gradually expanded into ‘the freedom of individuals.’ Moreover, people gained awareness that violence and crime seriously deter the freedom and development of people. Therefore, the changed perception led to the discussion on the importance of peace and security as development agendas, resulting in the adoption of “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” as Goal 16 in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

참고 자료

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