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전자공학응용실험 ch12ch13 소오스팔로워, 공통게이트증폭기 예비레포트 Pspice 및 이론, 예비보고사항포함

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23페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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전자공학응용실험 에이플 받은 예비레포트입니다.
피스파이스 및 예비보고사항 이론 다 포함입니다.
수기작성또는 타이핑시 복붙하거나 참고하시면됩니다.
조교님이 외국인이라서 영어로 작성하였습니다. 번역후 사용하시면됩니다


1. The title of the experiment

2. Overview of the experiment

3. Equipment and how to use

4-1. Related Theory (Text book contents)
4-2. Related Theory (Other than the textbook.)

5. PSpice Simulation

6. Experimental Procedure

7. Preliminary Report Contents

8. References


1. The title of the experiment
[Experiment 12] Source Follower
[Experiment 13] Common Gate Amplifier

2. Overview of the experiment
[Experiment 12]
In Experiment 11, a Common Source Amplifier was experimeted among the three basic amplifiers using MOSFET. This experiment is an experiment on a source follower, one of the other two amplifier structures. Since the source follower has a small output impedance, it is widely used to drive a small load resistor. In this experiment, we will examine the operation principle of the source follower and confirm the voltage gain and characteristics of the amplifier through experiments.

[Experiment 13]
In Experiments 11 and 12, among the three basic amplifiers using MOSFET, a common source amplifier and a source follower were experimented. This time, an experiment is conducted on the remaining basic amplifier structure, the common gate amplifier. The common gate amplifier has a characteristic of accepting current well due to a small input impedance. In this experiment, the operating principle of the common gate amplifier is examined, and the voltage gain and characteristics of the amplifier are to be confirmed through experiments.

참고 자료

Professor Kim Jung-Geoun’s lecture note
Microelectronic circuits, 7th edition, sedra.
판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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전자공학응용실험 ch12ch13 소오스팔로워, 공통게이트증폭기 예비레포트 Pspice 및 이론, 예비보고사항포함
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