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Plant Design using CCU - Carbon Dioxide to Gasoline Process

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Plant Design using CCU
- Carbon Dioxide to Gasoline Process
발표 자료 입니다.


1. Introduction
1) CO2 & Greenhouse Effect & Carbon Capture

2. Carbon Capture and Storage/Utilization
1) CCS(Carbon Capture and Storage)
2) CCU(Carbon Capture and Utilization)

3. Plant Design including CCU
1) Carbon Capture from a Power Plant
2) CAMERE Process(Conversion of CO2 to Methanol)
3) MTG(Methanol to Gasoline) Process as a Downstream
4) Entire Process Flow Diagram

4. Summary


I. Introduction
CO2 & Greenhouse Effect & Carbon Capture
Today, there is a growing concern that increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, may cause global warming. with irreversible environmental changes as the possible outcome.
At present, 80% of the world energy consumption comes from fossil fuels. when fossil fuels are burned, carbon reacts with oxygen and becomes the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide.
Increased fossil fuel use is thus followed by increase in man made co2 emissions. In order to meet future growth in energy demand, a consequence of population growth in increase living standards, the world still will need fossil fuels for decades. but admissions must than be reduced.
One of the most promising technologies enabling up to 90% reduction of CO2 from large stationary sources, It’s CO2 Capture and storage or CCS.

참고 자료

Oh-Shim Joo, “CAMERE PROCESS FOR CARBON DIOXIDE HYDROGENATION TO FORM METHANOL”, Catalysis Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology(2001)
Marc-André Courtemanche, Marc-AndréLégaré, Laurent Maron, Frédéric-Georges Fontaine, “A Highly Active Phosphine−Borane Organocatalyst for the Reduction of CO2 to Methanol Using Hydroboranes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 9326-9329(2013)
Peter Styring, Daan Jansen, “Carbon Capture and Utilization in the green economy”, The Centre for Low Carbon Futures(2011)
Pawan Kumar, Bir Sain and Suman L. Jain, “Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to methanol using a ruthenium trinuclear polyazine complex immobilized on graphene oxide under visible light irradiation”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 11246–11253(2014)
Xin Li1,2, Juntao Chen, Huiling Li, Jingtian Li, YitaoXu, Yingju Liu, Jiarong Zhou, “Photoreduction of CO2 to methanol over Bi2S3/CdS photocatalyst under visible light irradiation”, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 20 No. 4, 413-417(2011)
서곤·민병구, “제올라이트와 분자체 촉매에서 메탄올 전환 반응의 기구”, Korean Chem. Eng. Res., 44(4), 329-339(Aug., 2006)
S. A. Tabak, F. J. Krambeck, W. E. Garwood, “Conversion of Propylene and Butylene over ZSM-5 Catalyst”, AIChE Journal, Vol.32, No.9, 1526-1531(Sep., 1986)
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Plant Design using CCU - Carbon Dioxide to Gasoline Process
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