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COVID-19 & Era of Globalization and De-Globalization - Who's the Winner?

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"COVID-19 & Era of Globalization and De-Globalization - Who's the Winner?"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Winner Industry & Company from Globalization
3. Winner Industry & Company from De-Globalization
4. Conclusion


Retail sales plunged 20 percent from February to April 2020, with very large declines in categories like clothing and accessory stores (down 89 percent) and department stores (down 45 percent).

Development of the retail trade volume between 2020 and 2021 for total retail trade.
Internet sales increased by the Covid-19, sales
via this channel increased quite dynamically in April and May 2020.

The retail sector was one of the most negatively impacted sectors. Business models had to quickly adapt to accommodate new and extraordinary trading conditions. Boost of online engagement.

참고 자료

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