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경제발전과 지리와의 상관관계/육지로 둘러싸인 지리적 약점을 극복하기 위한 라오스의 도전과제 (Lao DPRs challenge to leap over land-locked weakness)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"경제발전과 지리와의 상관관계: 육지로 둘러싸인 지리적 약점을 극복하기 위한 라오스의 도전과제 (Lao DPR’s challenge to leap over land-locked weakness)"


1. Introduction
2. The geographical vulnerability of Laos, as a landlocked country
3. From a land-locked to land-linked country
4. Conclusion
5. Reference


Geography is not everything, but it impacts the process of developing countries' development indeed. Europe which has a non-tropical climate, proximity to the coast and fewer landlocked countries had grown significantly faster than Sub-Saharan Africa, where it is not (Gallup el al.,1999:5). This geographical development theory can be applied in the case of Southeast-Asia. Southeast-Asia region, which consists of ten countries has a variety characteristic of religions, political system, and economic growth levels. Each country has also different topographical features. Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar are located in main-land of Southeast Asia which belong to the Indochina Peninsula, and there are "insular region" consisting of several islands countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Of these, Lao PDR(Laos) is the only Land-lock country where five countries surround all sides of the border: Thailand, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar.

참고 자료

Chowdhury, A. K. & Erdenebileg, S. (2006). Geography against development: A case for landlocked developing countries. New York: United Nations.
Figiaconi.F, (2019). Are Laos’ Land-Linking Dreams a Risky Bet?. Diplomat. Retrieved from https://thediplomat.com/2019/09/are-laos-land-linking-dreams-a-risky-bet/ [last accessed on 03/05/2021]
Frielink, B., & Bando, S. (2018). Increasing Benefits Through Economic Corridor Development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Manila: ADB
Gallup, J. L., Sachs, J. D., & Mellinger, A. D. (1999). Geography and economic development. International regional science review, 22(2), 179-232.
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Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment. (2010). The Seventh National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2011-2015): Executive Summary. Vientiane: Lao PDR.
Lee.S (2018) Hydropower dams in Laos: a solution to economic development? The case of the Nam Theun 2 Dam. The Southeast Asian Review, 28(2), 145-178
Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Lao. (2021). Statistics of trade. Retrieved from http://www.moic.gov.la/?page_id=1103&lang=en [last accessed on 03/05/2021]
Nouansavanh, K. (2010). Lao PDR perspectives and policies towards GMS. Ritsumeikan International Affairs, 8, 17-30.
Rigg, J., & Wittayapak, C. (2009). Spatial integration and human transformations in the Greater Mekong Subregion. In Huang, A. & Bocchi.A.M (Eds.), Reshaping economic geography in East Asia, 79-99. World Bank
World Bank. (2006). Building Export Competitiveness in Laos: Summary Report. World Bank, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank. (2018). Aggregated LPI 2012-2018. Retrieved from https://lpi.worldbank.org/ [last accessed on 03/05/2021]
World Bank. (2020). Poverty Profile in Lao PDR: Poverty Report for the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2018-2019. Washington, DC: World Bank
World Wildlife Fund. (2016) The role of the Mekong river in the economy. Retrieved from https://greatermekong.panda.org/our_solutions/mekongintheeconomy/ [last accessed on 03/05/2021]
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