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Electron transfer theory (Marcus theory)

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"Electron transfer theory (Marcus theory)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I.What is Marcus theory
II.Franck-Condon principle applied to electron transfer
III.Conditions for Marcus theory
IV.Real application of the Marcus theory in a research journal


I. What is Marcus theory
Electron transfer is very important chemical process in various systems. There are few models to explain electron transfer reactions. Among them a useful model is dividing charge transfer reactions into outer-sphere and inner sphere reactions according to the interactions with the electrode.

In case of outer-sphere reactions, instead of molecule bonding directly with electrode, electrons are exchanged through tunneling effect, so the original coordination spheres are maintained. On the contrary, inner sphere reactions make bonds with electrode (orbital hybridization) directly and exchange electrons for charge transfer reactions. Reduction of oxygen and the oxidation of hydrogen at Pt wire are representative inner sphere reactions.
Marcus theory can be applied when the charge transfer reactions are outer sphere reactions. Since it does not make a bond with electrode, outer sphere reactions are almost unaffected by the type of electrode metal.

참고 자료

Kylberg, William. (2008). Photo-electrochemical surface modification and analysis of dye sensitised solar cells.
Bard, Allen J. Electrochemical methods : fundamentals and applications / Allen J. Bard, Larry R. Faulkner.— 2nd ed. 138p. cm
Journal of Chemical Education 2012 89 (9), 1159-1167
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 3047-3049
1 Electron transfer theories – Whiley-VCH p. 1-44
Minoia Andrea, MPIP Journal club, Marcus Theory for Electron Transfer a short introduction, January 29, 2008
Kaduk, Benjamin James et al. “Constrained density functional theory.” Chemical reviews 112 1 (2012): 321-70 .
DeVault, D. (1980) Quantum-mechanical tunnelling in biological systems. Q. Rev. Biophys. 13, 387-564
Giovanny, Science 2019 364, 6439, pp. 471-475
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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