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캡스톤 - 2020_capstone_final_초고주파응용회로team11_TFET based SRAM bitcell design_Leejaehyuk

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"캡스톤 - 2020_capstone_final_초고주파응용회로team11_TFET based SRAM bitcell design_Leejaehyuk"에 대한 내용입니다.




Abstract— Steep sub-threshold transistors are promising candidates to replace the traditional MOSFETs for sub-threshold leakage reduction. However, the delayed saturation characteristic and the broad soft transition region result in a large crossover region/current in an inverter, thus degrading the hold/read static noise margin (H/RSNM) of TFET SRAM cells. The write-ability and write static noise margin (WSNM) of TFET SRAM cells are constrained by the unidirectional conduction characteristics and large crossover contention of the write access transistor and the holding transistor. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of TFET circuit switching/output characteristics/performance and the underlying physics. We also investigate and express SNM, which is an evaluation element of the SRAM. And finally, we present hybrid GAA 6T SRAM using TFET and MOSFET together.

Index Terms— HSPICE, SNM(Static Noise Margin), SRAM TFET(Tunnel Based FET), ULP(Ultra Low Power), GAA(Gate all around), Ohmic contact

THE Internet of Things (IoT) is going to be a key aspect of future electronic industry. This will put a huge demand on portable or remote devices operated by energy harvesters or batteries. The overall power optimization of the system would largely depend on the performance of static random-access memory(SRAM) due to its wide-scale use as microprocessor caches. Supply voltage scaling has been the most attractive approach until recently to reduce the overall power consumption. However, this leads to a significant increase in delay. Moreover, increased leakage current and reduced ON-current are serious drawbacks at lower Vdd. In fact, the fundamental limit of subthreshold swing is the bottleneck of CMOS for further reducing the leakage.
TFET has emerged as one of the promising candidates for ultralow-power (ULP) applications. This is attributed to its band-to-band tunneling mechanism that defies the SS limit of 60 mV/decade in MOSFET. However, unidirectional current conduction of TFET impacts the robustness of SRAM cells due to conflicting read/write requirements. Also, Low Ion in the conventional TFET Poses challenge for deployment in the mainstream CMOS. Therefore, we will try to design a Hybrid GAA 6T SRAM to improve the performance of the existing 6T SRAM and change the number or thickness of TFET’s device packets. The hybrid GAA device is a circuit in which MOSFET and TFET are connected to each transistor in parallel. The completed SRAM will be measured using Hspice to compare performance with the existing SRAM by measuring RSNM, WSNM and HSNM.

참고 자료

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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캡스톤 - 2020_capstone_final_초고주파응용회로team11_TFET based SRAM bitcell design_Leejaehyuk
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