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[관광] Destination Mix

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최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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*Chapter 8 The Destination Mix
**The Destination Mix
**Role of Attractions and Events
**Typology of Attractions
*Typology of Attractions
**Drawing Power and Types of Attractions
Reasons for Developing Events and Festivals
**Role of Facilities
Lodging Facilities
*Food & Beverage Facilities
*Supporting Facilities and Services
**Role and Types of Infrastructure
**Role of Transportation
**Role of Hospitality Resources
**Hospitality Training Programs
**Hospitality Training Programs
**Community Awareness Programs
Community awareness programs try to build acceptance of tourism and an understanding of the visitor among community residents.
Types of programs include:
Public meetings
Speakers’ bureaus
Information sheets and newsletters
Newspaper ads and columns
Coin and bill programs
Citizen recognitions and awards


*Chapter 8 The Destination Mix
Chapter Objectives

1. Explain the interdependencies among the five destination mix elements.
2. Identify the important elements of attractions, facilities, infrastructure, transportation, and hospitality required for a tourism destination.
**The Destination Mix
The destination mix consists of 5 elements:

Attractions (including events)
Hospitality resources
**Role of Attractions and Events

Attractions and events are the central aspect of tourism; they draw visitors to the destination.
Facilities, infrastructure, transportation, and hospitality resources are needed in a supportive role to attractions and events.
Note that some facilities (e.g., resorts have a dual role as attractions and facilities).

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[관광] Destination Mix
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