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[영문] William Faulkner의 The rose for Emily

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최주리 교수님, 이경란 선생님 수업에 도움이 될 것 같네요


" A Rose for Emily"
1. What is meaningful in the final detail that the strand of hair on the second pillow is iron-gray?
2. Who is the unnamed narrator? For whom does he profess to be speaking?
3. Why does "A Rose For Emily" seem better told from his point of view than if it were told (like John Updike's "A & P") from the point of view of the main character?
4. What foreshadowings of the discovery of the body of Homer Barron are we given earlier in the story? Share your experience in reading "A Rose for Emily" : did the foreshadowings give away the ending for you? Did they heighten your interest?
5. What contrasts does the narrator draw between changing reality and Emily's refusal or inability to recognize change?
6. How do the caracter and background of Emily Grierson differ from those of Homer Barron? What general observations about the society that Faulkner depicts can be made from his portraits of these two characters and from his account of life in this one Mississippi town?
7. Does the story seem to you totally grim, or do you find any humor in it?
8. What do you infer to be the author's attitude toward Emily Grierson? Is she simply a murderous madwoman? Why do you suppose Faulkner calls his story "A Rose ...?"


. What do you infer to be the author's attitude toward Emily Grierson? Is she simply a murderous madwoman? Why do you suppose Faulkner calls his story "A Rose ...?"

Actually, she also wishes to be like them. All of her dream and an ideal was taken away by hbecause she is deprived er father who is too much selfish so she have to be tied up houshold. Her lifetime for 74 years-old is filled with a hidden sorrow. The author present the heroine a bunch of red roses and then give solace to Miss Emily. So, We can look out for the Faulkner, author of warm humanity.

참고 자료

영문학 입문 수업에서 빠지지 않는 내용을 분석한 자료입니다.
Literature Third compact edition


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문] William Faulkner의 The rose for Emily
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