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기계공학실험_냉동사이클 실험 보고서

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"기계공학실험_냉동사이클 실험 보고서"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction and Theory
2. Experimental method
3. Experimental results
4. Analysis and Discussion
5. References


1. Introduction and Theory
First, the purpose of this experiment is to find out the components and functions of the refrigeration cycle. Then, calculate the operating efficiency of the refrigeration cycle and compare the real cycle with the ideal cycle. So, before proceeding to the experiment, the laws of thermodynamics and refrigeration should be explained. However, since we need to learn about the refrigeration cycle in this experiment, I will briefly explain the existing thermo-dynamics and explain the refrigeration cycle in detail. We need to know the first and second laws of thermo-dynamics. The first law of thermo-dynamics refers to the law of conservation of energy. Also, It is expressed by = dH – Vdp and it means that the sum of all energies generated in a system is always constant.. The second law is the law of increasing entropy, which can be expressed through the description of Kelvin Plank. In an ideal situation, the change in entropy is proportional to the amount of heat generated divided by the absolute temperature.

Next, we need to know about refrigerants that are often found in refrigeration engineering. Refrigerant is a working fluid used in the refrigeration cycle. There are various types of this refrigerant, such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, water, methane, ethane, propane, butane, halogen elements, and freon. Among them, water and R-134a are mainly used. At this time, the performance of the refrigerant is improved when the conditions are satisfied, and the temperature difference between the refrigerant and the things that exchanges heat must be maintained by 5 to 10 °C. Second, the place where the lowest pressure in the refrigeration cycle occurs is the evaporator, and this pressure must be higher than atmospheric pressure to prevent air from leaking into the refrigerator. Third, the temperature of the refrigerant passing through the condenser cannot be lower than the temperature of the cooling water, and the saturation pressure must be sufficiently lower than the critical pressure.

참고 자료

https://nate9389.tistory.com/1586 , 2021.11.16
refrigeration cycle.pptx , 2021.11.16
https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?isHttpsRedirect=true&blogId=animaking&logNo=221797318365 , 2021.11.16
https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=1981868&cid=42331&categoryId=42333 , 2021.11.16
https://blog.naver.com/kmk2001go/10164094334 , 2021.11.16
https://mechanicalboost.com/carnot-engine/ , 2021.11.16
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