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[물리전자2] 과제4 요약 과제 Zener effect부터

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7페이지/ MS 워드
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Solid State Electronic Devices By Ben Streetman & Sanjay Banerjee Seventh Edition (2016)
책을 기반으로 한 광운대학교 물리전자2 수업의 네번째 과제입니다.

Zener effect부터의 내용을 담았습니다.
해당 과제물들과 함께 A+를 받은 자료입니다.
이미지 자료와 내용을 가득 담았으니 활용하시기 좋을겁니다.


1. Figure 5-20 The Zener effect
2. Figure 5-21 Electron-hole pairs created by impact ionization
3. Two requirements for the Zener effect to occur
4. How to prevent the Avalanche Breakdown
5. Figure 5-26 A breakdown diode
6. Two basic types of capacitance associated with a junction : what is causing the capacitance under which bias condition?
7. What is the total depletion capacitance at -8V? (Example 5-6) Solve the question considering: A=10-2cm2 & Na=2x1018cm-3 & Nd=3x1014cm-3
8. Why Si is preferred over Ge for power rectifiers?
9. To reduce the punch-through, what are generally done?
10. In the fabrication of rectifiers, why a p+-n-n+ or a p+-p-n+ junction are used?
11. What is the Schottky barrier? (in terms of current flow)
12. Figure 5-40 & 5-41 A Schottky barrier formed by contacting an n-type & p-type semiconductor with a metal. Focus on the Фm & Фs.
13. Figure 5-42 Effects of forward and reverse bias.
14. What is the Ohmic metal-semiconductor contact? (in terms of current flow)
15. Figure 5-43: Ohmic metal-semiconductor contact. Focus on the Фm & Фs.
16. For hetero-junctions in the GaAs-AlGaAs system, the direct(T) band gap difference △Egr is accommodated approximately 4/5 in the conduction band and 1/5 in the valence band. For an Al composition of 0.2, the AlGaAs is direct with △Egr = 1.6eV. (Fig. 3-6) Sketch the band diagrams for two hetero-junction cases: N+-Al0.2Ga0.8As on n-type GaAs, and N+-Al0.2Ga0.8As on P+-GaAs. (Example 5-7)
17. Identification of source of data


1. Figure 5-20 The Zener effect
In Reverse bias, the valence band on the p-side is higher than the conduction band on the n-side, resulting in a difference in Fermi levels. When an external voltage is applied, electrons that were in the valence band on the p-side escape and move to the conduction band on the n-side, causing current to flow in the opposite direction. This phenomenon is known as the Zener effect. Electron tunneling of this kind occurs more effectively when the transition region is narrow, requiring high doping levels on both sides. In this case, a significantly higher current flows in the reverse direction compared to I0, and this is referred to as breakdown. It demands relatively lower voltage compared to avalanche breakdown

2. Figure 5-21 Electron-hole pairs created by impact ionization
Impact ionization refers to the phenomenon where external energy applied results in the generation of electron-hole pairs.

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[물리전자2] 과제4 요약 과제 Zener effect부터
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