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A++) 성인간호학실습 - VSIM Kenneth Bronson, 퀴즈, Documentation Assignments 및 Guided Reflection Questions

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"A++) 성인간호학실습 - VSIM Kenneth Bronson, 퀴즈, Documentation Assignments 및 Guided Reflection Questions"에 대한 내용입니다.


Medical Scenario 1: Kenneth Bronson

*Pre-Simulation Quiz

*Post-Simulation Quiz

Documentation Assignments
1. Document Kenneth Bronson’s new allergy information in his patient record.
2. Document your initial focused respiratory assessment of Kenneth Bronson.
3. Document the assessment changes that occurred before and after the anaphylactic reaction.
4. Identify and document key nursing priorities for Kenneth Bronson.
5. Referring to your feedback log, document the nursing care you provided.

Guided Reflection Questions
1. How did the scenario make you feel?
2. What signs and symptoms led you to the conclusion that Kenneth Bronson was experiencing
an allergic reaction?
3. Discuss the differences between mild, moderate, and severe anaphylactic reactions.
4. Discuss the importance of follow-up assessments post-reaction.
5. What further needs does Kenneth Bronson have at the end of the scenario that future nursing
care should address?
6. Reflect on how you would communicate with family members in an emergency situation if
they were present at the bedside.
7. After completing the simulation and reflecting on your experience, what would you do
differently (or the same) for the patient experiencing acute respiratory distress?
8. How could you prepare for clinical in order to plan ahead for potential patient emergencies?

※ 참고문헌


Documentation Assignments
1. Document Kenneth Bronson’s new allergy information in his patient record.
- Kenneth Bronson은 Ceftriaxone에 의한 알레르기 반응(호흡곤란)의 병력이 있다. 세팔로스포린계 약물의 투여를 금해야 한다.

2. Document your initial focused respiratory assessment of Kenneth Bronson.
- 약 일주일동안 가슴압박, 호흡곤란, 매우 심한 기침이 계속되었다. 호흡수는 분당 17회이다. 양쪽 가슴은 정상적으로 움직인다. 오른쪽 폐기저부에서 호흡음이 감소된다.

참고 자료

황옥남 외(2019). 성인간호학 상(제7판). 서울: 현문사.
송경애 외(2021). 기본간호학Ⅱ. 서울: 수문사.
서울대학교병원 N의학정보, http://www.snuh.org/health/nMedInfo/nList.do
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A++) 성인간호학실습 - VSIM Kenneth Bronson, 퀴즈, Documentation Assignments 및 Guided Reflection Questions
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