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[이민법] Immigration in USA

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미국대학에서 제출했던 리포트입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement: This research will clarify the change in the way this culture has looked at the immigration between the past and now and its effect in American, the “melting pot” of the world over 80 years.

Ⅱ. Body1. Immigration- the past (before 1960)
A. The reasons immigrating to the U.S.
1. For the money
2. For freedom
3. For the opportunity
B. The members of immigrants.
1. The majority of immigrants: Northern and Western Europe.
2. Limited Asians.
(a) China
(b) Japan
C. Government’s action.
1. Regulatory legislation.

Ⅲ. Body2. Immigration- Now (After 1960)
A. The change of members of immigrants.
1. The decrease in the percentage of Europe.
2. The increase in the percentage of Asian.
B. The change of the type of occupation of immigrants.
1. The increase in the percentage of professional level immigrants.
2. The decrease in the percentage of the “clerical, sales, and kindred” workers.

Ⅵ. Body3. Effect on America.
A. Effect on the population in the U.S.
B. Effect on the labor market.
C. Effect on the emigration from the U.S.

Ⅴ. Conclusion


Ⅱ. Immigration- The Past (Before 1960)

From 1820 to 1960 more than 39million aliens have migrated to U.S in search of another beginning. There are as many different reasons as there are different people. Some immigrated to avoid starvation. Some ought adventure. Others wished to escape unbearable family situations. The main reason for immigration, however, has long been economic opportunity- the lure of better land, a better job, or a better life. Mrs. Mognini says, “ In Italy, most children have to drop out of school and work because their family need money”(“Good things…”,34). The second reason for immigration is to have freedom. Norrei S. Yuh from South korea says, “It’s not because the money is here-…- the thing is that here people speak freely”(32). Mr.Yuh means that the U.S is a nation that offers unparalleled freedom which is not only in politics but in society, economies and personal life. During this year, Korea was under the respotism.

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[이민법] Immigration in USA
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