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[영작문] Common Errors in English Composition(영작문의 빈번한 오류)

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13페이지/ 한컴오피스
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I'd say that the four elements above are all important but I'll focus on writing part in English, especially an academic writing. Since you are in college now, some of you who have it in mind to study abroad can get chances to write some essay like TWE. This type of writing which is under timed needs some skills. I'm going to tell about some useful skills of academic writing that might help you, and also common mistakes for its spell or meaning which should be treated carefully when you write. Finally I'll introduce some sites that you can use with writing through the Internet.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Body
1. Five Tools for Writing Timed Essays
1) Words must be spelled and used correctly.
2) Sentences must be correct and constructed appropriately for the context.
3) The paragraphs of an essay present concepts, conclusions, and evidence.
4) An essay has organic form.
5) An essay must be unified by a theory but must use an established theory.
2. Common errors
1) "e.g." and "i.e."
2) "affect" and "effect"
3) "forward" and "foreword"
4) "principle" and "principal"
5) "that" and "which"
6) "who's" and "whose"
3. The Usage of Punctuation
1) The comma (,)
2) The semicolon (;)
3) The colon(:)
4) The period(.)
5) The question mark(?)
6) Capitalization
7) The Apostrophe(')
8) The Hyphen(-)
Ⅲ. Conclusion
1. http://clubs.yahoo.com
2. http://www.academicinfo.net/englang.html#writing
3. http://members.home.net/englishzone/
4. http://www.englishclub.net/
5. http://www.englishlearner.com/index.html
6. http://www.wordsmith.org/awad
<Internet sites>


Ⅰ. Introduction

The ability of reading, speaking, hearing and writing in English is getting more and more important to people who speak English as a second language. Especially, for Korean, the grammar system is completely different from that of English, and it shows the different ways of thinking. This has caused some problems to Korean to learn English. In spite of all of these obstacles, a number of people have devoted themselves to learn English to keep steps with globalization. And it's true that some of them are acknowledged as a kind of masters with high ability of English in various fields in the world. However, there are lots of things to be improved in the system of English education in Korea.
For learning English, it can be categorized as speaking, hearing, reading and writing. It has been a grammar-centered education that we've gone through during the schooldays. Also English has been quite an important subject with Math, so there were many students who got private tutoring. But the problem turned out that most of the students couldn't speak English when they met foreigners. It shows that the present English education system is not the best way and it needs some changes.

참고 자료


<Internet sites>
1. http://splavc.spjc.cc.fl.us/hooks/hooksessay.html

2. http://www.urich.edu/~writing/wweb.html

3. http://my.netian.com/~sjlee74/

4. http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html

5. http://www.bartleby.com/141/index.html

6. http://www.junketstudies.com/rulesofw/

7. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/3995/

8. http://members.tripod.com/~lklivingston/essay/

9. http://www.magnet.ch/serendipity/errors.html

10. http://www.englishlearner.com/index.html

11. http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk/elt/dictionary/

12. http://www.thewritesource.com/index2.htm

1. 英作文의 理論과 實際 / 韓萬洙 著 / 螢雪 出版社
2. 고급영작문 / 편집부 편저 / (주)예지각
3. The Process of Paragraph Writing / Joy M. Reid / Prentice Hall Regents
4. 초급영작문 / 홍민표 엮음
5. Dave Sperling's Internet Guide / Dave Sperling / Prentice Hall Regents
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[영작문] Common Errors in English Composition(영작문의 빈번한 오류)
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