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(영문) Criminalisation of abortion on bodily autonomy and human rights

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"Criminalisation of abortion on bodily autonomy and human rights"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Title
2. Introduction
3. International human rights instruments warrant respect for women’s bodily autonomy and rights to opt for abortion
4. Global legal resistance against abortion
5. Critical analyses of landmark abortion cases in Ireland and in the US
6. Conclusion


A critical analysis of the impact of criminalisation of abortion on women’s bodily autonomy and human rights from a global perspective

In this paper, I will critically analyse the deleterious implication that criminalization of abortion has on women’s bodily autonomy and human rights from a global perspective, particularly in the context of international human rights treaties. Firstly, I will scrutinise how the international human rights instruments validate women’s bodily autonomy as well as fundamental rights to choose abortion in women’s best interests. Secondly, I will explore how abortion bans around the world unduly undermine women’s bodily autonomy and rights. Thirdly, I will critically analyse the landmark cases in Ireland and the United States which led to dramatic changes in the legal framework on abortion in each country, focusing on whether their judicial proceedings are consistent with the international human rights treaties.

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