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레포트 (영문)- 인종과 정치의 관계-인종은 왜 사회적/정치적 산물인지에 관하여

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"레포트 (영문)- 인종과 정치의 관계-인종은 왜 사회적/정치적 산물인지에 관하여"에 대한 내용입니다.




Race is a relatively recent concept that emerged and developed in the 16th century as a means of justifying slavery, and it is a concept that raises complex societal problems even to this day. Race is a component of identity that categorizes people into shared ancestry and physical qualities, such as facial, head, and skin traits. Different theories exist on the origins of humanity, with the "Out of Africa"
theory most widely accepted. This theory explains that all human races are descended from the common origin (ancestry) in Africa, which counters the categorization of people into races. Therefore, race does not create any essential genetic distinctions in humans that affect their identities. Like this notion, many scholars started to view race as a concept developed by society over time. They highlighted how essentialist thinkers had established the significance of cultural, political, and societal variations among racial groups for the justification of inequity.

참고 자료

Du Bois, W. E. (1973). The African roots of war. Monthly Review, 24(11), 28.
Fanon, F. (2022, September 27). Toward the African Revolution by Frantz Fanon.
Vitalis, R. (2000). The graceful and generous liberal gesture: making racism invisible in American international relations. Millennium, 29(2), 331–356.
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