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뉴질랜드 whangateau harbour의 꼬막 개체수 변화 (2009년 이후)

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뉴질랜드 Whangateau Harbour의 intertidal sandflat에서 2009년에 cockle의 대규모 폐사가 발생한 이후 개체수와 사이즈, 분포에 대한 변화를 다룬 레포트 입니다. 뉴질랜드 대학에서 해양학 수업때 제출한 레포트로 A+ 받았습니다.


1. Introduction

2. Materials and methods
2-1. Cockles’ density and size measurement
2-2. Sediment grain size
2-3. Data for pattern changes in the cockle population since 2009

3. Results
3-1. Changes in the density of cockles with distance down the shore
3-2. Changes in the size of cockles with distance down the shore
3-3. Changes in the density of cockles since 2009
3-4. Sediment types with distance down the shore

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. References


Whangateau Harbour (36°19´S, 174°46´E), a shallow estuary with an area of about 7.5km2, with approximately 85% of its total area consisting of intertidal sandflats, is located approximately 70km northeast of Auckland central (Fig. 1-a) (Tricklebank et al., 2020). The amount of freshwater flowing into this place is minimal, and its tidal prism reaches a maximum of about 9,491,105 m3; over 90% of the total seawater is exchanged during each tidal cycle (Auckland Regional Council, 2009; Auckland Regional Council, 2010). Due to this environment, this area has a large community of bivalves that intake nutrients by filtering hundreds of thousands of m3 of seawater per tidal cycle (Auckland Regional Council, 2009; Burge et al., 2016).

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